You kidding bro right? A windows mobile 6.5 phone released at 2009? Nice joke. As i said Galaxy S sells around the same price here so if TS wants to be competitive then adjust the price. You can even buy a Window 7 phone with of course its the latest OS and with better specs than this for the same price pero like I said its not my thread but im only advising according to facts.
agree with bro hakkai999..
ok bro hakkai999...tuo na lang ko nimo kay ikaw may mas suheto aning mga butanga...ikaw na tingali ang tawo nga di jud mailad...hehehe
Guys, kalma lang mo. This is my thread if you wana slug it out please take it elsewhere.
Hakkai, respeto lang Bai. Advice is not supposed to be public. Please don't use other people threads to increase your post count. Kung gusto gyud ka mo tabang sa TS - do it discreetly.
The price is negotiable and if you ain't buying ....#@$!
Uu nirespeto man ko bai. Its that guy kylot thats creating the problem. I really just wanna help you sell this kay Im saying there are ALOT better phones for such price naa ra nimo if motoo ka but check out other threads and check that thread I linked. This is my last post on your thread kay kapoy makiglalis.
Please note Hakkai's linked thread are US units being sold here which have specific operator capabilities and locks - not open line units. Check the photo's its Orange, AT&T and T-Mobile. To buyers out there Verizon units are built for CDMA and we are GSM in the Philippines.
Tag 10K man gani ang price sa iya open line PALM (old and dying OS).
This Unit is Local from Philippine Samsung with Local GSM functionality.
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