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  1. #11

    ^^ welcome brad..what is fellow istoryan gud..hehehe..ana jud na brad kinanglan jud mopalit para mawala ang katol..mao ra baya niy katol nga walay kahumanan, cgeg balik2x..hahahaha...

  2. #12
    tuara nanggawas nasad ang walang kahumanang innovation..cguro this will be catered on the radeon 7000 series which will be released on the second or third quarter by next year according to reports..lain nasang hutoy moabot ani kay for sure newer boards will be created bearing the pci express 3.0 standard interface..[/quote]

    Unta mu-improve pd ang tambal sa hutoy pggawas ani nga interface bai DB ky bacg mglisud nya tag ginhahahawa...hihihi..

  3. #13
    ^^ lagi brad maytag naa say maghimong ventolin x2 sa?hehehe..murag antilles ba dual cards..dual action puffs pod unta..hahahaha..

  4. #14
    Hihihi! Dual Action Puffs! Astig kaau paminawn bro..abi nmog unsa! Black Edition p jd.

    @topic: Cant wait to know pilay difference sa 2.0 n 3.0.

  5. #15

  6. #16
    @dootmars lagi brad..hehehehe..murag mahalon nana kay black edition jud..mura mag xfx..hahahaha...

    @palmcentro keep the info flowing brad..

  7. #17
    POwera sa bandwidth oii.. x2 man ang 2.0!

  8. #18
    grebeha sad ani nila oie... di ba kaha ma bottle neck ang mga PCI-e 3.0 GPUS sa current chipsets nga umaabot karon 2011.

    correct me if im wrong

  9. #19
    wow! nindota ani wue.. weeeeee..

  10. #20
    ang mo bottleneck ani atong bulsa...

  11.    Advertisement

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