If that NOTICE is AUTHENTIC then that would nt be here in iSTORYA.net at all otherwise copy and pasted na siya .
Not all AIRMEN would know these if these are indeed true . We are talking about TOP BRASS of the AIRMEN here unless naay chika lang nato hehehehe na amigo nato na duol sa luwag sa Pentagon .
" A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America
a missile test thats classified is not a missile test.. and how the hell it get over the internet if its classified?, unless with somebody made it...
like the guy in this site -> Washington - Pentagon Can't Explain 'missile' Off California -- VosIzNeias.com
check the comment below...
none of the link you give is OFFICIAL... what ever it is..
and official statement would be nice... if there a certain test the public should be notified to avoid mass hysteria.. making it classified makes more complicated... so it doubt its official...
see the notam id doesnt exists on their system...
Last edited by salbahis; 11-10-2010 at 04:06 PM.
hmmm so everybody's an expert now....
why don't you call the military personally, you'll probably get the "OFFICIAL" you're looking for!
i read all their post... none of them confirmed... its only need common sense in understanding it... not everything in military is classified... NOTAM is not only for Airforce pilots but including civillians... they have a portal i was able to get in so thats how i get it... a little research and little google can go a very long way...
thats what would happen if one would join public military forums, or has a friend of a friend who is a relative of a friend who happens to have a friend in PNP...
depends on a military forum mostly are just wannabes and arm chair general...sourcing it on credible source is hard to find... thats why every claims should be backed by facts... and those are facts base on official sources
my source -> https://www.notams.jcs.mil/dinsQueryWeb/
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