It is such a crime that was so hidden, of course if it is known in it's infancy then perhaps there will be sanctions and preventions, perhaps dismissal of the culprits and warning to the supposed victims, but sad to say NON,
It already happened, so I think that is the best the church could do as of the moment. Priest are also human beings, there what we may call the wolf and the sheep kind, but as always they are ordained to promote the ways of the sheeps.
The Vatican should also report that their stories from their ancient book are not true. They are simply a bunch of metaphorical stories turned into literal stories by ancient priests looking for control of the people & for money. Believe it!!
Naa siya authority but you are barking at the wrong tree . Like I said ... what did you guys do kadtong kamo ang nabiktima sa pari pod involving your grandma ? Adto diay mo mo sumbong sa VATICAN ? Not even to Cardinal Vidal , he is also the wrong person to deal with . Adto mo sa authorities because the priest was accussed of commiting a crime against you guys .^^the pope is the head of the church. right? wala d i cyay AUTHORITY about ing ana nga matter sir?
And to answer your question also regarding unsay gi buhat sa mga dagko sa simbahan aron ma ubos or eradicate ... is as simple also as asking you again and if matubag gani nimo , the answer should be the same .
Unsay gibuhat or buhaton sa mga ginikanan aron ma ubos or ma eradicate ang krimen sa nasod caused by their children ?
It is sad that people only talks about what they read and hear and not really focuses on what really they know and happened . I can count the number of priest locally and in the states more than the fingers in my hand that I know and confirmed na sila ex communicated . Thats all they can do .... the rest would lie in the hands of the authorities .
@ FAQ ....
Wake up ! Lol ... you are simply implying that you are right and the rest of the billions of Catholics are wrong just because you said so .
Last edited by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40; 09-17-2010 at 09:02 AM.
" A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America
It is sad that people only talks about what they read and hear and not really focuses on what really they know and happened . I can count the number of priest locally and in the states more than the fingers in my hand that I know and confirmed na sila ex communicated . Thats all they can do .... the rest would lie in the hands of the authorities .
Absolutely true Sir Spring,
The priest committed a crime both punishable by GOD embodied by the church and by the laws of the land. He can be prosecuted in the laws of the land and serve his sentence, but on the other hand, what the church could only do to such a person of supposed great service, is merely to divest the authority, for the know the final judgement is through GOD alone.
That is why I am so amazed on how people reacts because all they think of is POPE this and POPE that .
" A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America
=) me as well............
One question I have for the Pope on this child rape scandal: WHERE IS CARDINAL BERNARD F. LAW?
Abuse victims pursued this man's prosecution-- for the promotion, protection and covering up and defense of pedophile priests. 50 members of the Church and the whole laity of Massachusetts demanded for his resignation and prosecution. And what happened? In December 2002, Cardinal Law resigned as Archbishop of Boston and fled to Rome under the protection of Ratzinger. He's now out of Massachusetts jurisdiction and he is currently the Supreme Vicar of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome, personally appointed by the Pope. In 2005, this fugitive from justice was one of those voting in Conclave to decide who the next Pope will be...which turned out to be Ratzinger himself.
Springfield, the members of the Church in Massachusetts did go to the authorities, but the authorities can't do much about it unless the Pope surrenders Bernard Law for trial in that state.
Call the police? Or badlongon lang sulod sa balay?
Because I think it's well documented way back in 2001 that the pope (then Cardinal Ratzinger) himself issued instructions to all churches that priests accused of sexual abuse should be reported to the Vatican, not to the local authorities - such as the police --- favoring internal investigation over secular law enforcement.
Pope Benedict XVI - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The letter to the bishops: Bishop Accountability
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