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  1. #11

    di pud ma bang2 ang nokia oi. tanawa kasagran reviews sa mga taw sa youtube. a lot would agree nokia phones are the good. probably better than iphones. i may not own a nokia or an iphone pero from the looks and hands on reviews, mas mu vote ko sa features sa nokia.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by m.garz View Post
    murag lisud ma laos ang nokia bro.. sa high end/smartphone category tingali.. pero sa ilang low-mid end devices kusog gihapon kaayu.. especially sa 3rd world countries..

    i know na kusog gyud ang nokia on low-mid end devices.. pero di man pwede cla mag salig ana na market.. I've read an magazine article about nokia.. because kusog cla only on low-mid end phones, ni lose na nuon ila company ug 10% devices sales this year.. kailangan cla mamawi na kay daghan nang signs nga murag mo gowing down na ang whole company.. Even executives are fleeing na gud..

    Quote Originally Posted by pspoon_low-end View Post
    di pud ma bang2 ang nokia oi. tanawa kasagran reviews sa mga taw sa youtube. a lot would agree nokia phones are the good. probably better than iphones. i may not own a nokia or an iphone pero from the looks and hands on reviews, mas mu vote ko sa features sa nokia.
    na bang2 na man ang nokia boss.. gi hinay2 lang.. i've seen nokia progress through the years.. ni slow down na man cla.. sauna nga wala pa kaayo kompitensya, kusog au mag innovate ang nokia.. ang pinaka grabe cguro nila na compettitor pag start gud kay motorolla pa.. now na daghan na au clag kompitensya, murag di cla mka gukod sa innovation. Pero sakto man sad ila gi buhat na stay to solid ground pero murag relaxed ra au ang nokia as in kumpiyansa ra au cla..

    OT: Mag post ko this week about sa nokia here.. please read nya guys.. tnx..

  3. #13
    yeah, and hopefullly with their new CEO, things would turn around..

    maybe they should try putting Android to one of their smartphones..

    Just like Samsung, naa silay BADA, naa puy Android..

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by m.garz View Post
    yeah, and hopefullly with their new CEO, things would turn around..

    maybe they should try putting Android to one of their smartphones..

    Just like Samsung, naa silay BADA, naa puy Android..

    murag impossible pa nah ma hitabo ang android sa nokia.. naa pa man clay meego gud..

  5. #15
    uu, murag hanap2x gyud bro.. pero may unta lagi..

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by m.garz View Post
    uu, murag hanap2x gyud bro.. pero may unta lagi..
    murag di gyud nah ma hitabo bro.. kay ang android man gud naay specific na minimum requirements para sa ila mga phone.. nya murag di man mo risk ang nokia para lang ma hitabo nah..

  7. #17
    nokia is more into commercializing into selling their fones rather than supporting the OS of their fones..

    well, one thing noteworthy from them, is the fact they're still promotiing symbian OS into their new release fones, other than that.. nokia is just releasing fones for the sake of introducing and getting the bigger share of the cellphone market..

    Meego would never be coming.. Look at what happened to their much hype before 'N900'.. after Nokia released the much anticipated "running linux' powered phone, they suddenly drop support on meego and maemo.. leaving 3rd party developers frustrated and dismayed on Nokia's sudden change of support. Many developers even lambasted Nokia for the better lack of words 'Ingrate' since after developers have already released 3rd party support for their linux powered phone (N900), they (Nokia) suddenly drop the ball on them saying it would not release anymore firmware updates for that specific phone.

    Nokia even change CEO already.. that goes to show, even their top heads doesnt have any REAL directions on where it would lead the company to...

    I bet, N8 and N9, would be release, and after a few months after... Nokia would suddenly drop the ball again saying it would discontinue the support of these fones... Getting these fones would be tantamount to a lab rat as I'm sure that there would be bugs on this fone that Nokia would never ever be able to see as they're busy just making money instead of fixing the ultimate purpose on why their selling fones in the first place, and that is 'CUSTOMER SATISFACTION!' and 'AFTER SALES SUPPORT' (firmware and/or hardware)

  8. #18
    nice phone pero ang trend sa smart phone is going to android, mas stable and nice ang android phone now.

  9. #19
    android is still at infancy.. for lack of software support, android has still a long way to prove if it can deliver what symbian have come to expect from software developers throughout these years..

    though android has the potential to surpass symbian once it gains a strong foothold for beta testers and 3rd party software developers to release android softwares for its OS

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by bowee View Post
    android is still at infancy.. for lack of software support, android has still a long way to prove if it can deliver what symbian have come to expect from software developers throughout these years..

    though android has the potential to surpass symbian once it gains a strong foothold for beta testers and 3rd party software developers to release android softwares for its OS

    pero android has some of the key features nga ganahan sa consumers gud.. like being open sourced, open to suggestions, and other more stuff.. i know for myself na android is not very stable.. but it's getting there.. it is because developers share their knowledge for the common purpose of making the software stable and easy to use for us users..

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