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  1. #11
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by mckoy_slipstream View Post
    Ive inquired about na, i got reply from traderspizza, 6.6k ung bayad. I think that's overkill.

    the seminar fee is php 5,500.00 this is also the same price he offers in manila. Barato na kaayo coz if your familiar with other stock trading seminar hosted by absolute traders it far more expensive than what andrei is offering
    Note that andrei is a trading professional.. kung serious ka about stock trading, its a small price/tuition fee as compare to the learning u get from attending the seminar.

  2. #12
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dpascual View Post
    Okay ra mu attend ang beginners?
    ok ra mag attend ang beginner.. it would be best coz you don't need to unlearn your trading stategy that you will realized as mistake upon joining the seminar

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by kitz View Post
    ok ra mag attend ang beginner.. it would be best coz you don't need to unlearn your trading stategy that you will realized as mistake upon joining the seminar
    I think ample computer literacy is a must for this. The topics will deal mostly with charts and some exposure to charting (and/or charting software) is a good idea.

    Nag email nako, pero wala pa reply. I asked kung mo hatag ba siya ug watchlist for seminarians or subscription based siya.

  4. #14
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2010
    mao ning makuha nimo if you attend the seminar :: View topic - Andrei Tips & Tricks

    Seminar Value Added

    1. Mailing List - If you will take the Seminar, you will be part of my exclusive mailing list who will receive early Tips or Private Mails on JAP-stocks and others Hot Stocks about to move for a period of 6 months. A case in point, those who got my earlier notice in ORE were able to buy at 1.90. Today ORE is at 2.70. You could have recovered already your Seminar fee and earned hefty profits in just one tip.

    The other day, everybody in the mailing list received information and Buying recommendation on SLI. Many bought at the opening at 1.20. SLI is now 1.58.0 They can sell it already for a good profit even in 3 days 4 days of holding.

    2. Free Consultation-If you also take the Seminar, you will be also entitled to free consultation regarding your stock positions, to ensure that profits are realized and losses minimized.

    3. T+3 Payment Scheme –This scheme allows you to buy more than your present capital without paying for the balance within the period of 3 days from purchase. Upon selling the stocks you bought within 3 days, the balance is off set. You can use this in buying bullish stocks or during bull market thus, significantly increasing your gains. You can’t just get this easily even from your present brokers. I will recommend you to a broker who can give such facility.

  5. #15
    If your a beginner and dont even know what the heck your getting into, you shoudnt dive into tech analysis immediately. Assess yourself first. Know your risk profile. You can lose big bucks in trading stocks and not everything about it are determined by charts alone. Research first the basics. Try the ppt of

  6. #16
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    Good point mckoy.. because andrei is not teaching about the tech analysis.. you may refer below on what will be discussed on the Semminar

    Part I – The New Trading System (NTS)

    1. Changes-how do they affect your Buying/Selling Strategy
    2. How to use NTS to your trading advantage
    3. First Buyer and Seller Techniques
    4. Many Examples

    Part II - Basis of the Seminar

    1. Momentum Trading Discussion
    2. Steps in Momentum Trading
    3. Criteria for Stocks likely to have Momentum

    Part III – HOW TO BUY?

    1. Buying at the Opening
    2. Buying at the Retracement
    3. Buying on the rebound/Momentum
    4. Buying at the Closing


    5. Buying on Panic
    6. Buying on Predictable Daily Price Movement Pattern
    7. Buying on Borrowed Momentum
    8. Buying on Company Developments

    Part V – HOW TO SELL

    1. Selling – Lock Profit
    a. Selling - Big Gap Up
    b. Selling - Initial Momentum Surge
    c. Selling - Rebound
    d. Selling – Closing


    1. Selling – Stop Loss
    a. Selling – Handling Negative External Factor
    b. Selling - Handling Negative Internal Factor
    c. Selling – After a Rally

    2. Recovering Losses

    a. Shifting Technique
    b. Selling and Buying Repeatedly Technique
    c. Averaging Down Technique

    Part VII – Day-trading Basics

    a. Intraday Buying
    b. Intraday Selling (Shorting)


    a. Comparative Approach (Traditional/Momentum Trader)
    b. Factoring-in Risk Reward Ratio
    c. Capital Allocation
    d. Portfolio for Momentum Trader

    Part IX – KNOWLEDGE CHECK (Built-in per topic)

    1. Simulations and Examinations (Buying and Selling Dynamics)
    2. Making a Trading Plan ( Real-time and the Next Day Plan)
    3. Making an Alternative Trading Plan

    Part X – Stocks to soar 50% in 6 months

  7. #17
    hmmm.... this is interesting...

  8. #18
    Kindly put your name here for the Stock Trading Tips and Tricks by Andrei
    1. kitz
    2. Soggy
    3. techguys
    4. PinkD
    5. dodongisputing
    6. john357

    I got good feedbacks from participants in Manila. Can't wait to have this seminar in Cebu.

  9. #19
    I really don't recommend sa mga beginners pag attend ani because if dli paka familiar sa basics, maglutaw ra imong huna2x sa entire seminar and it can be information overload. You can only retain as much as 35% sa g discuss. You may say in the seminar, Ready nako mu trade! Then inig uli nimu open dyn ka sa chart...*****a unsa tuod to? Then I'm not bashing into this as it's not my style but I'm really curious how he can predict a 50% move for 6 months... The interbank boss who trained me even told me that he doesn't have a clue where the market is gonna move tommorow unless she's giving him hints but 6 months is something. Everything in the schedule looks good but the part X is just giving me an itch. Ok...I'm gonna get flamed with this...

    Flame gear ON!

  10. #20
    Junior Member
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    Part X is also one of the reason why am very interested to attend his seminar (kinsa ba di ganahan mo earn og 50%? Well, give or take munis X% since I am not doing stock trading full time). I wanted to learn his techniques.

    .. try to observed his topic in this link.. :: View topic - Andrei Tips & Tricks

    Last July 29, Here is the link :: View topic - Andrei Tips & Tricks

    He recommended SLI Because of three things

    Quote Originally Posted by andrei

    - momentum
    - turnaround earning
    - investor
    SLI was at 1.2 by then. Now, SLI is at 1.76 which is almost 47% gain. Within 2 weeks..

    I've been into stock trading since 2005 then my little earnings was swept by 2007-2008 financial crisis not only that my portfollo was reduced by 60%...

    since I started following his thread/topic/advice in 2009 i was able recoup my 2007 & 2008 losses in 3rdQ of 2009 then started to earn (it is not always 100% guarantee that whatever stock he recommends will always go up there is always a risk). the risk is what I am trying to eliminate by attending the seminar and hope to learn his techniques after attending this..

    I've have been planning to go to manila to attend his batch 4 seminar on Aug 21.. Since naa na dire sa cebu nag tabang nalang ko mag promote para madayon ang seminar.

  11.    Advertisement

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