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  1. #11

    Default Re: need info on 7600gst/7600gt power supply requirements

    Wow Earlz, sometimes I wonder if you ever review the posts before you post.

    You said:
    Overall wattage never matters
    I said:
    It matters but so does the current flowing through the line
    Now you're saying:
    Nope overall Wattage doesnt matter that much if the 12v line is weak.
    So, I guess people should consider never and "doesn't matter that much" as synonymous when talking to you.

    somehow you just can't seem to realize you and I are on the same page here--current is as important as the power

    Hopefully the color guided quotes and posts will be sufficient guide for you.
    Red comments for red quotes blue for blue and bold for bold.

    And about your link:

    I've had 5 years of education revolving around the very principle of your so-called "point".

    What you fail to realize is that wattage is just a relationship of capacity between the potential difference and the current~the capacity to do work. In this case the capacity to do what we want the hardware to do (roughly translated). Sure you know the math, the concept is there but it looks like you're struggling to digest them together because you keep trying to argue with my usage of wattage to compute for power. This relation (power) already considers both voltage and current, so don't go 'round lecturing me about your point.

    While you're still stuck with ampere lusting, I had already pre-calculated the average consumption, and even exagerated a little to stress a point, of two hard drives to 50w. That's 12v x 2A x 2 (approximate usage of a hard drive during spinning startup). Thus 50W has more than enough legroom for stuff.

    Take 4 Amperes off his 12v line and he's still left with a supposed 12 Amps. Take a couple of Amps away and blame it on a bad PSU and he'd still have enough to run another 50w (this being the 7600GT).

    It's a risk due to the unknown factor of the regular generic psu but it's a calculated risk.
    Get my point?
    this is the line --------- cross it. i dare you

  2. #12

    Default Re: need info on 7600gst/7600gt power supply requirements

    Thanks for the lecture i appreciate it.

    Also, one other important factor is the amperage of the +12V rail. A good power supply will have a beefy +12V rail (18A or higher), or even dual +12V rails
    as from your link stated above, mao sad na akong bout epa sabot.altho your link says that its "another" important factor but for me its the only important factor.
    over all wattage doesnt matter/never matter/doesnt really matter/<inster word here> matter that much if the 12v rails are weak.

    Also thanks for the basing i love it

    EDIT: in todays standards 17~18A is ideal on a 12v rail PSU, nvidia recommends a single 16Amps to be fed on a G73 series and a single 18Amps on a G71 series to ensure power stability.
    and we should not forget that the 12v rail is shared on all the drives and fans on the computer.

    It's a risk due to the unknown factor of the regular generic psu but it's a calculated risk.
    the risk is not an entirely unknown factor,main risk here is voltage stability per rail.followed by how clean (lesser rippes ect ect... ) the power is distributed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zerone_null
    As for this case however, if his rig is already running (and it is) an A64 non-OCed, and additional 50w load won't really matter.
    Depends on where that extra 50watts go, on the 3.3+5v or on the 12volt rails

    Quote Originally Posted by Zerone_null
    Overall wattage never matters? Where are you getting that from? 5 years of Electronics Engineering says it does.
    so meaning if there was a PSU that had 700watts of total power and has a measly single 12v rail that runs on 14amps could mean that its better than a dual 12v running at 18amps each and has a total system power of 500watts
    i also had 4 (lang) of electronics education but i really dont need that to figure things out on which is the better PSU.

  3. #13

    Default Re: need info on 7600gst/7600gt power supply requirements

    Yes, and and nVidia's recommendation is pretty sound. Considering a power supply with real 16A current in the 12V line. Most basic setup PCs (1 Proc, 2HD, 1 Optical, and a couple of fans) would grab about 170~180W (GPU included) of power from the 12v line alone (considering the most power hungry setup is paired with their GPUs).

    this is the line --------- cross it. i dare you

  4. #14

    Default Re: need info on 7600gst/7600gt power supply requirements


    its up to you to decide if you want to spend a little extra to ensure that you dont blow your hardware, that generic PSU is good enough assuming you only have a total of 2 drives ( 1 harddrive and 1 optical ) and maybe about 3 case fans in total and the voltage rails are stable on all points 3.3,5 and 12v

    but if you want to spend for something better, id recommend checking Antec/HEC/Enermax 350~450watts, if you want to future proof your PSU for a 1 time spending you can get 550~700Watts of the stated brand above.

  5. #15

    Default Re: need info on 7600gst/7600gt power supply requirements

    Quote Originally Posted by Zerone_null
    Yes, and and nVidia's recommendation is pretty sound. Considering a power supply with real 16A current in the 12V line. Most basic setup PCs (1 Proc, 2HD, 1 Optical, and a couple of fans) would grab about 170~180W (GPU included) of power from the 12v line alone (considering the most power hungry setup is paired with their GPUs).

    the crappy part here is that i tried 3 different generic PSU's a long time ago and all of them blew.. it was on Geforce Ti4400 and a 2400+ processor with 2 drives ( 1 HD 1 optical ) and 2 sticks of ram with 3 total case fans.. so crashburn recommended i should get a 475 HEC and since wala nako mag problema..also ka2 nga time i never cared for voltage rails as it was entirely unknown to me .. lol

    [img width=416 height=500][/img]

    I kinda forgot the entire system spec on that char but the "avg" basis

    ( just click the image for a bigger view )

    also in question is how "real" the amps do those generic PSU really give..

  6. #16

    Default Re: need info on 7600gst/7600gt power supply requirements unsa man mga bro? i found a Dynamo Pro PSU 500W...dont know of its amperage on the 12V rail but i checked a Dynamo 450W PSU yesterday and its 12v rail is 30A, so i think the 500W PSU would be roughly the same...there's also a 550W model Dynamo Pro PSU available... i know that Dynamo is not really that good compared to other branded PSUs, so i think if i would get one from this brand, i'd better get one that has a lot of headroom just to be safe...sakto bah?? i don't have a budget for the branded types pa as of now...

  7. #17

    Default Re: need info on 7600gst/7600gt power supply requirements

    Personally i have no experience on the "Higher" end of dynamo PSU's how much does it cost?

    coz the known good brands of PSU's are as follows

    PC Power and Cooling ( 1Kwatt PSU )
    Thermaltake ( only the 700Watts series is good )
    OCZ ( power stream series )

    and anything else i forgot ?

  8. #18

    Default Re: need info on 7600gst/7600gt power supply requirements

    the risk is not an entirely unknown factor,main risk here is voltage stability per rail.followed by how clean (lesser rippes ect ect... ) the power is distributed.
    That's what a calculated risk means. Voltage is potential difference and the potential difference is bound to decrease or fluctuate when the flow of current (A) can't meet the demand anymore R.

    Depends on where that extra 50watts go, on the 3.3+5v or on the 12volt rails
    You're confused. At the specs listed in his post and the hardware he has present it can go wherever for all I care (depending on what hardware is added). All lines still have enough slack.

    See, this is where the situation matters now. Clearly the first power supply has a rating of 700W which only means, and I'm talking physics, the higher capacity to do work. BUT since the situation of rigs calls for a strong 12V line then you can certainly say that the 500W will be more superior in terms of handling higher requirement setups.

    For the original situation in this topic. The situation does not really call for a better power supply just yet. He'll be operating well within the red line but that's a calculated risk. It is known and it can be handled.

    this is the line --------- cross it. i dare you

  9. #19

    Default Re: need info on 7600gst/7600gt power supply requirements

    Voltage rail fluctuation is surely a risk in ANY generic PSU =)

  10. #20

    Default Re: need info on 7600gst/7600gt power supply requirements

    Kenn Russ, yeah if you're really keen on buying it go for it. Should be enough, though if the price difference isn't much I'd probably pick any of earlz' post probably the cheapest one in there.

    Also, I'd want to buy your PSU and I want to strap it to my rig to prove a point. thanks.
    this is the line --------- cross it. i dare you

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