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  1. #11

    Default Key to your Heartaches

    Something Missing

    Aside from fulfilling whatever is thought to be absent in a relationship, an additional reason why infidelity can occur is revenge. Sometimes as a method of evening the score for something you did, a partner will sometimes cheat. In other terms, cheating is usually a sign of other issues in your relationship, or with one of the people in the relationship where the concept of the others actions has caused a breakdown in the relationship. Not that having affairs is a remedy, more so than just a symptom of the underlying causes of affairs. Open honest interaction is very critical in a relationship and when you loose that, your relationship is headed in the wrong direction and exposed to huge danger.

    We are extremely complicated creatures and our capacity to deceive other people is only surpassed by our capacity to fool our own selves. Not only do we have a tendency to lie to and manipulate others, but we compound our own problems (and the problems of others) by doing so. Even though this is not rational, it is brought about by being deceiptful with our own selves and could be caused by a huge variety of factors. The dilemma is, if a person cannot be truthful with themselves, who can they be sincere with? In this circumstance, honesty is missing and affairs are bound to eventually happen under these circumstances.

  2. #12
    Elite Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    bro, curious lang.. naay nangutana nako.. " bai unsaon para dugay ka magawsan inig *** ninyu sa imohang uyab". then wakoi matubag or nag libog ko unsaon pag tubag kai depende raman gud na sa tao siguro. unsay matambag nimo niya bro? hehehe

  3. #13

    Default Key to your Heartaches

    Freudian Influence

    When your lying spouse is dealing with their own inner deception, these deceptions can only intrude on your relationship. Under this circumstance, when an affair is simply the effect of an individuals personal problems, instead of a breakdown in your relationship, the point of an affair can be entirely self-destructive. If a person feels either consciously or subconsciously that they are not nice enough to deserve such a wonderful person in their life as you, and feels unworthy of all the good things the relationship provides, or that life offers in general, the underlying response to that feeling can be cheating and the destruction of healthy relationships. This is where destructive thinking becomes a self fulfilling prophesy, and the lack of inner balance causes a full-blown lack of outer balance as well.

  4. #14

    Default Key to your Heartaches

    Onward and Upward

    Subsequent to learning about the likely causes for your partners Cheating, it is frequently up to you to choose whether it is worth it to give your relationship another try or not. No matter how things wind up, what is crucial is for you not to put the blame on yourself, and then also have the courage to confront the next phase of your life, despite the errors you or anyone else has made. These mistakes can lead us to a higher place of understanding and in the quality of life if we set our minds to it. Patterns of the past do not need to repeat themselves as long as we elect to change and grow. It was what it was, it is what it is, and it is now time to move on.

    The answer is to be truthful with yourself and vow to stay honest and true in all your thoughts and all your actions. With this as your underlying value you will come through the result of an affair practically unscathed, even though while you are in the middle of it, it seems like torture. After a little while, you can rise above the agony and live once again with peace and love in your heart.

  5. #15
    YOU, yes you who's reading this thread, Let's talk about the topic. What can you say.

    Any comment?

  6. #16
    Elite Member
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    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by chinody View Post
    bro, curious lang.. naay nangutana nako.. " bai unsaon para dugay ka magawsan inig *** ninyu sa imohang uyab". then wakoi matubag or nag libog ko unsaon pag tubag kai depende raman gud na sa tao siguro. unsay matambag nimo niya bro? hehehe
    wakai tubag ani boss?eheh

  7. #17
    to the self proclaimed love expert, doclove, i have a question: how is it possible to love two persons at the same time? for example, a married man might love his current wife and another woman. or a married woman could love her husband as well as the other guy.

    the average traditional psycho-social study might say this a a classic scenario we call cheating. but that is just outward lame and lacking to me. the man or the woman could be both honest, true, and sincere in his or her affection. we are not to judge the morals. i do not believe that anyone has the right to.

    it is my personal opinion that true love, if it exists, simply defies definition by words. for true love is an emotion that must be felt and treasured only by those involved. the rest of the world are just observers and external to that emotion. true love can only be felt and then understood by lovers.

    true love is never analytical. when one starts to analyze, it defeats the feeling.

    just a spark of wonder from a wandering soul ...thank you doclove for a nice thread.

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by chinody View Post
    bro, curious lang.. naay nangutana nako.. " bai unsaon para dugay ka magawsan inig *** ninyu sa imohang uyab". then wakoi matubag or nag libog ko unsaon pag tubag kai depende raman gud na sa tao siguro. unsay matambag nimo niya bro? hehehe
    i think naka kita ko movie. mag think lang ka of samthing else. dont be so into it. then dugay magawsan. hehehe

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by nissanpatrol View Post
    to the self proclaimed love expert, doclove, i have a question: how is it possible to love two persons at the same time? for example, a married man might love his current wife and another woman. or a married woman could love her husband as well as the other guy.

    the average traditional psycho-social study might say this a a classic scenario we call cheating. but that is just outward lame and lacking to me. the man or the woman could be both honest, true, and sincere in his or her affection. we are not to judge the morals. i do not believe that anyone has the right to.

    it is my personal opinion that true love, if it exists, simply defies definition by words. for true love is an emotion that must be felt and treasured only by those involved. the rest of the world are just observers and external to that emotion. true love can only be felt and then understood by lovers.

    true love is never analytical. when one starts to analyze, it defeats the feeling.

    just a spark of wonder from a wandering soul ...thank you doclove for a nice thread.
    Very Nice words you have there bro..Good to hear that you liked the thread. Well sa tinuod lang, each one of us has our own different explanation regarding your concern, mas maganda kung all of us will have an open mind to listen to anybody's ideas or opinion. Wala namang mawawala. Now it's up to the person reading that opinion if he/she will allow that explanation to go inside his mind. Majority sa mga tawo is they are doing what they think will make or feel them happy.

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by chinody View Post
    wakai tubag ani boss?eheh

    wait bro ha kasi medyo nabigla ako sa question mo.. Never pa kasi na may nagtanong sakin about dyan.. I'll research it for you.. Ask lang sa sa uban. Thanks for this question

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