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  1. #11
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    preferred bilingual gyud..goodluck nalang to all applicants!

  2. #12
    Guys, I do not discourage anyone in applying just because bilingual ang gi pangita. I would be conducting interviews in a fair manner. I myself don't speak spanish fluently, yet I am employed by him.

    It just gives you an edge if you speak fluent spanish as he caters to spanish speaking people too.

  3. #13
    hello, im interested I'll be sending my resume today

  4. #14
    Thank you for your interest.. I await your resume to be sent.

    Anymore interested just forward away.

  5. #15
    @Forgotten-Isle : nag pm ko nmo, sorry dli diay spanish iya gamay french diay...

  6. #16
    ok updated. thanks for all the resumes sent. please continue to forward your resumes as we have not started the initial interviews, we are still checking on the resumes being received.

  7. #17
    email forwarded

  8. #18
    @lindle323: Thank you for your email I will be reviewing these and forward it to my boss. Please await word.

    @all applicants: I maybe setting up a meeting within the week or early next week. Upon availability of my boss. I will be posting here and emailing you for this. Thank you so much for your time.

  9. #19
    I already sent my resume.

  10. #20
    received resume's in my email. please be aware of the update that I have adjusted. Please understand that I would have to forward this email, and it is improper to send an email which solely comprises of your resume. this would also be used in juding as you may be sending emails to customers. Unlikely would you send it in such manner.

    Please understand and cooperate on my intent to further aid, people who are interested in the job.

    For now, I have not conducted any interviews and I have not heard word from my boss regarding the applicants. I will be set an appointment with the applicants and feel free to join in and bring a copy of your resume.

    Thank you.
    Last edited by Forgotten-Isle; 03-13-2010 at 03:58 AM. Reason: added information

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