..maghuwat nalang sad ko ani sa mga iCafe ani..di kadaog akong desktop sa requirements..haaayzz..damn you poverty!..
..maghuwat nalang sad ko ani sa mga iCafe ani..di kadaog akong desktop sa requirements..haaayzz..damn you poverty!..
kinsa naa battle net account.. hehehe needed man gud.. and need sad ug cd key para mabutang sa battle net game list
Those are replays only right, Since in SC2 anyone ( who is not even in beta ) can DL the client and view replays and then press 'enter' to bring up the chat box and type in any message I noticed this while viewing some tournament replays
Heres what I did bellow
Replay box is a dead give away
Also the replay box has a name of "Mistyhinen" w/c i've been viewing for sometime over at youtube
YouTube - P3/3 NEW Starcraft 2 Beta Commentary DaZe v Mistyhinen (HD) , several of his vids are there.
Last edited by EarlZ; 03-01-2010 at 09:02 PM.
Er? i don't see your point ? I already told you in yahoo i have been using my cousins battle.net account, and actually using that account to watch a legit replay like the screenshot i posted
The replay and battlenet bypass appeared 2 days after i posted this screenshot, so that makes it null.
although there was no need in the first place, since you can download the replay and drag the replay file over the Starcraft2 exe and it will allow you to watch the replay :P
too bad when i got a key from my email i sold the key to a fellow Carolianian (USCTC) for 5k php, too bad i sold it too early and too cheap
but everyone right now is playing on Single Player AI for Starcraft 2 beta.
but discussing of cracks isn't allowed here, or il be killed by vern.
So i guess using an actual legit battle.net account and watching the replay above and taking a screenshot means i don't have access to beta ? Why don't we meet in real life, il let you login on my cousins bnet accounti really don't like flame baits and troll post.
so i need to post screenshots w/o replay ui on it ? i can give you ones w/o if you if it makes you so happy
BTW, you can download many replays at teamliquid.net which i got tons, even david kims![]()
Last edited by andz; 03-01-2010 at 09:35 PM.
I was just pointing out that you posted some replays of another player with your personalized greeting message, I didnt accuse you of anything. Yeah I still remember the details of your account that we discussed over YM and IIRC since Day 1 anyone could download the beta client and open up a replay w/o bypasses so im not sure why this is in the discussion but anyway enjoy the game, ako mag huwat rako ma2log akong migo para maka gamit sa iyang account.. w/c is sad
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