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  1. #11

    Same ra pud na sa Holocaust...around 2000 years after the Jews crucified Christ.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by menzymenz View Post
    i wonder if native filipinos made the same pact with the devil ...
    Pinoy politicians are the devil and we make a pact everytime we vote for them.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by reygie View Post
    Pinoy politicians are the devil and we make a pact everytime we vote for them.
    agree agree... pero saon nlang.. wala may nidagan nga angel.. puro ra devils ang ato mapilian.. hehe

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by john_dux View Post
    ive been watching the news and i saw the pictures..

    from how i understand the situation there it seems they suffer from poor building construction.. tanawa nino ang mga buildings nga destroyed, it seems murag daghan building wala reinforcement bars. and kadto naa, kulang ra kaau for their sizes.. clearly the buildings were not designed for such seismic loadings..

    7.0 earthquake isnt that strong actually, its very common around the pacific ring of fire. we cant blame the haitians for their poor design. such area isnt an earthquake prone zone. last earthquake was more than 200 years ago..

    this event was similar to that of japans' in the past.. where the culprit was poor engineering.. im confident that if these should happen in our country, damage would only be minimal since our structures are design for large seismic loadings..
    di ka interested mag engineer didto? hehehe.. dako jud kita construction didtu.. hehe

  5. #15
    What a d-bag, next time its going to be news about him riding the 2012 bandwagon.

  6. #16
    A boy had gone down to the river to bathe but because he didn't know how to swim, he was in danger of drowning. The boy then saw a man walking by and called to him for help. As the man was pulling the boy out of the water, he said, 'If you don't know how to swim, why on earth did you dare to try these swollen river waters?' The drowning boy replied, 'Right now I just need your help; you can lecture me about it afterwards!'

    The fable shows that people who lecture someone during a moment of crisis are offering criticism that is inappropriate and out of place.
    'Nuff said.

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by reygie View Post
    Pinoy politicians are the devil and we make a pact everytime we vote for them.
    OT: ingon pa ni manuel l. quezon:
    “I would rather have a country run like hell by Filipinos than a country run like heaven by the Americans, because however bad a Filipino government might be, it can always be improved.”

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by miyay View Post
    OT: ingon pa ni manuel l. quezon:
    “I would rather have a country run like hell by Filipinos than a country run like heaven by the Americans, because however bad a Filipino government might be, it can always be improved.”

    can always be improved? No wonder if given a chance manglarga sa ubang nasud, to live in a country run by americans.

  9. #19
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tirong-say View Post
    Dili pud tingale uy, harsh ra pud kaayo na iyang statement, maora man ug dili siya kamaong maluoy, insult to injury man na iyang gibuhat, angay gani unta siya mo-support kay mao nay gikinahanglan sa mga tawo didto.......
    I concur with you bro. If nothiing to say good, why do so... Instead of extending something good that would alleviate the circumstances, he's adding insult to injury. Wish ko lang that it wont happen to him (Pat R.) as what ngano-diay? said. Ngano nagdaghan paman ni si Pat R. sa kalibotan oi, kapoy au ni sila...

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by sharkey360 View Post

    Pat Robertson, the evangelical Christian who once suggested God was punishing Americans with Hurricane Katrina, says a "pact to the devil" brought on the devastating earthquake in Haiti.

    Officials fear more than 100,000 people have died as a result of Tuesday's 7.0-magnitude earthquake in Haiti.

    Robertson, the host of the "700 Club," blamed the tragedy on something that "happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it."

    The Haitians "were under the heel of the French. You know, Napoleon III and whatever," Robertson said on his broadcast Wednesday. "And they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said, 'We will serve you if you will get us free from the French.' True story. And so, the devil said, 'OK, it's a deal.' "

    Native Haitians defeated French colonists in 1804 and declared independence.

    Source - Pat Robertson says Haiti paying for 'pact to the devil' -
    ...and exactly how in the world do Pat Robertson know this? did "GOD" somehow whisper in his ear telling him about this "pact of devil"? on one of his interviews, he even claims to know what will happen after we die. this guy is delusional.

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