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  1. #11

    bitaw sayop niya duna baya setting
    mao na giingun nga buang ko bayot hhh

    ..ang BP!?

  2. #12
    Obama aLso said this on some tv news.
    Facebook can aLso harm appLicants and new employees. a Lot of HRs view their profiLes in
    order to know them better. coz they beLieve that their PAGE reaLLy signifies who they are.

    it'LL be an advantage if your page doesnt have any harsh words and immoraL pictures.
    you might get promoted!

  3. #13
    kakita q ani sa news kaganinang buntag..pait sakpan hinuon..

  4. #14
    it all depends
    if u have nothing to hide or having a clean slate, then why worry diba?

  5. #15
    waaaaaaaa hahaha saunz resulta na!

  6. #16
    Senior Member inna-iks's Avatar
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    Nov 2009
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    Facebook caused some serious damage already. Haha. What's next? Nyhahahaha. ;]

  7. #17
    better not post any pics on facebook

  8. #18
    lisod na karon panahona.dili angayan mag kumpyansa.

  9. #19
    paita pd ani uy.. ahay.

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by kit_cebu View Post
    Canadian woman loses benefits over Facebook photo - Yahoo! News

    BROMONT, Quebec – A Canadian woman on long-term sick leave for depression says she lost her benefits because her insurance agent found photos of her on Facebook in which she appeared to be having fun.
    Nathalie Blanchard has been on leave from her job at IBM in Bromont, Quebec, for the last year.
    The Canadian Broadcasting Corp. reported Saturday she was diagnosed with major depression and was receiving monthly sick-leave benefits from insurance giant Manulife.
    But the payments dried up this fall and when Blanchard called Manulife, she says she was told she was available to work because of Facebook.
    She said her insurance agent described several pictures Blanchard posted on Facebook, including ones showing her having a good time at a Chippendales bar show, at her birthday party and on a sun holiday.
    Blanchard said Manulife told her it's evidence she is no longer depressed. She's fighting to get her benefits reinstated and says her lawyer is exploring what the next step should be.
    Blanchard told the CBC that on her doctor's advice, she tried to have fun, including nights out at her local bar with friends and short getaways to sun destinations, as a way to forget her problems.
    Manulife wouldn't comment on Blanchard's case, but did say they would not deny or terminate a claim solely based on information published on Web sites such as Facebook.

    ************************************************** *****
    that lady is lying. .the insurance did the ryt thing..

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