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kinsay laptop enthsiast and experts ninyo?
please ta ko tabang. ngayo ta ko feedback asa'y better na paliton na laptop. nan.aw man gud ko sa review sa mga amerkano. ingon sila ang MACBOOK PRO daw nindot kay wa daw virus and windows.
Need feed back from users na taga diri sa ato? which is better? hope naay makatabang. need feedback until 2nd week december. plan na nako mupalit. salamat daan.
funny...mas nindot kay walay virus ang girason....thats total BS!
if this was true then their wouldnt be a need to develop this
Kaspersky intros Anti-Virus for Mac | MacNN
and ask 40$ for it...
in truth naay viruses sa mac oi...not as many as windows pero naa gyapon...and as long as you have proper anti-virus installed in your pc with internet connection to update regularly (it does it automatically btw) risk of infection is just in par with mac...
exactly what can macbook pro do that a windows based system can't...
macs arent immune to hangup
macs arent immune to errors and program crashes
macs are bug infested...even the latest mac OSX was plagued with problems.
i think the new win7 has less issues than the latest OSX.
exactly what makes mac better realistically...
for those of us not swayed by hearsay, cool ads, and nice but monotonous looks (yeah almost everyone has same color/shape/etc. everyone is in uniform. reminds me of highschool hehe)
can anyone cite actual specific examples what can a mac do that pc's can't...
but between the two id get the mac hehe