i was there last monday. they open at 10am. same as pag open sa sm. expect nalang nga mag tapok dayon ang mga tawo at that time.
mao mani ang steps ako gibuhat:
1. get med checkup form from the guard
2. fill-up and return to the guard
3. wait for your name to be called sa med checkup (tapad ta sa lto) to pay (400, i think)
4. wait again for the "actual" checkup
5. wait again for the urine exam
6. wait again for your name to be called for picture sa med checkup
7. wait again for the result to be passed to the guard
8. wait for your name to be called from LTO to have your picture taken
9. wait for your name to pay (483 if non-pro and no penalties)
10. wait for your name to claim your new license
daghan kaayog waiting noh? better bring a ballpen and something to pass the time (book, psp).
i was there at 10am, was #18 sa medical form, got my license around 120pm. naa silay lunch break 12nn-100pm.
yep, open sila. forgot the exact schedule though.
by the way, pwede ra pa renew starting 2 months from the expiration date.
hope this helps