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  1. #11

    na a ka contak number?

  2. #12
    pls. tx me 0908-4703-715 ds number. kay intresado ko.salamat

  3. #13
    zaldyboy12 plese check your inbox. thank you for your interest wiht our project....

  4. #14
    updated.............. limited units left....

  5. #15

  6. #16
    limited units only..... get your unit now.

  7. #17
    only 20 units of lot only where converted to house n lot units. as of Sept. 1, 2009 18 units left.....

  8. #18
    limited house and lots left..... get one unit now!

  9. #19
    updated................ limited units left... lot only also available.

  10. #20
    limited units only.... get a unit now!

  11.    Advertisement

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