a little bit OT but I was searching if anybody on istorya is using alertpay or solidtrustpay because these are 2 out of 3 payment gateways that can do transactions with a new investment experiment I have been in for a couple of months now.
just in case any alertpay users are interested to invest some of their alertpay funds, you can check out the opportunity here:
Earn Everyday!
We Pay You To Help Us
Generate New Customers!
New Type of Auction!
2 minute overview video!
ZeekRewards - The Rewards Program of a Lifetime!
The way I see it, there's more than 1 way of earning here and so far, I'm only doing 1 thing (which is really nothing if you think about it - takes 1 minute everyday only) and that's putting out advertisements for zeek's penny auction business found on
Zeekler Bid Giveaway!! Join Now For Up To 100 Free Bids!!!. Once I put 1 ad per day, I get to earn through the system's "revenue share" which is paid daily to your alertpay or solidtrustpay account.
As of today, I have already invested $110.00 into the system. How much am I earning? Not much yet. An average of $2.00 per day only. But that wasn't the case all the time. When I started, I was just earning pennies per day. So the more time passes, the more of your investment gets qualified to earn "interest".
How I got into this? Well, a boss which is also now a friend of mine invited me to it and of course I can't say no (even though I have never joined any MLM before which this is in a way but just in an online environment and the product is a service not tangible goods).
If anybody here that has alertpay that might be interested to check it out, I can meet you guys and show you my earnings as proof or we can do skype screen share.