working night shift will not give you's only a risk factor in developing has something to do with melanin, sun exposure and vitamin D....melanin keeps the generation of free radicals at a radicals are unstable chemically incomplete substances that can damage tissues and cell membranes, it can also damage our DNA which can lead to the initiation of certain cancers...we all have melanin in our body, melanin increases in response to sun exposure... also we need sunlight so our body can produce Vit D... and there has been a lot of studies conducted that getting enough Vit D cuts the occurrence of certain types of cancer by 50% esp colorectal and breast cancer ... it also said ang amount pud nga i-take nga Vit D is 2000 IU/day... but mao lang, it's not a guarantee.... one magazine also stated that in one study, there has been an increase in skin cancer incidence but a big decrease in incidence of other types of cancer due to sun exposure.... but it didn't state there how much sun exposure is too much or too little...
if your immune system is strong, then your body can fight all the free radicals in your system... but how long will it take before your body gives up?
google lang Vit D and cancer prevention.... makabasa ra mo a lot of info about it...