Religion in the Math Curriculum
Students will examine the nature of God as they progress in their understanding of mathematics. Students will understand the absolute consistency of mathematical principles and know that God was the inventor of that consistency. Mathematical study will result in a greater appreciation of God and His works in creation. The students will understand the basic ideas of both differential and integral calculus and its importance and historical applications. The students will recognize that God created our minds to be able to see that the universe can be calculated by mental methods
somebody already posted that before.
i remembered bullshit reached a whoooping 96%. not bad.
and by not praying, a whooooping 140%. now that must be something.
nice try.
what's next, religion in P.E.? *** ed?
seriously, arent you satisfied with the fish magic fiasco in the bible.
keep god in thy respective field, theology.
so i guess its better to spell god as = MATH
no punishment & always gives a clear answer
equating god to numbers may offer concrete and logical answers to some.
but there's still the imaginary sign (i) in advance math.
gopi bhagya madhuvrata
srngiso dadhi sandhiga
khala jivita khatava
gala hala rasandara
Last edited by regnauld; 04-06-2009 at 12:04 PM.
One of the foremost exponents of Vedic math, the late Bharati Krishna Tirtha Maharaja, author of Vedic Mathematics,
has offered a glimpse into the sophistication of Vedic math. Drawing from the Atharva-veda,
Tirtha Maharaja points to many sutras
(codes) or aphorisms which appear to apply to every branch of mathematics: arithmetic, algebra, geometry (plane and solid), trigonometry (plane and spherical), conics (geometrical and analytical), astronomy, calculus (differential and integral), etc.
Last edited by regnauld; 04-06-2009 at 12:04 PM.
Essentially, the human body is in resonance with the Living Mathematics of Nature.
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