@ brad : Dela Hoya will not fight Margarito,...... he knows he will lose that fight,...... thats why Mosley and Mayweather back down to fight Antonio Margarito
@ flanker : Pacquiao is still trying to pursue a political career

win or lose,..... it's still in Pacquiao's favor,..... if he wins, he's boxing legacy will be up there with all the greatest or even better,....... if he loses, he'll still be greatly repected for standing up against a bigger and taller opponent (Dela Hoya is a BIG BIG name boxer,... he's not a nobody),.....
going from 135 lbs to 147 lbs,.... thats a BIG weight jump.
name me a boxer that has jumped 2 weight class division,...... i bet theres only a few of them,.... this fight will credit more to Pacquiao's boxing career,....
Dela Hoy is just looking for a last fight to end his boxing career with a BANG and also a nice pay check....... (but i think money has nothing to do with it,..... Oscar Dela Hoy alot of multi million dollar businesses aside from Golden Boy Production)