View Poll Results: Should SULPICIO LINES shut down, after what happened to the MV Princess of the Stars?

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  • Yes

    33 42.31%
  • No

    45 57.69%
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  1. #11

    what about WGA, Negros NAV, Lite Shipping, Trans Asia, etc? They also serving people and they are vulnerable for the same accident at sea too...

    ang maau gyung buhaton ani is to follow IMO (International Maritime Organization) standards nya "ipa implement gyd" dli lng mada ug bayran bayran ang mga certificates. pero this is jst so easy than done. to make every vessel "sea worthy", improve communications, upgrade training for crew (as in hands-on gyd dli nsd ipa-agig bayad bayad), etc.

    i've seen today "Reporter's Notebook", reporting on the latest maritime problems in the country.
    Coast guard official said that they will conduct inspection but not thoroughly kai "it's time consuming" daw; they won't go more on details rather they just do spot checks/ or general checking...Wow!

    they admit nga the agency lacks personnel and equipments...

    so kng mao man gani ni, expect more sea accidents to come. again blame God! - this is easy

  2. #12
    daghan ma apektohan na tao ani, labi na mga workers sa sulpicio

  3. #13
    Who's fault is it?

    Our rules or Sulpicio?

    The rules allow a ship to travel even if it's signal number one. Sulpicio is a business so of course they will take the risk to travel in signal number 1 because the law allows them to. Aside from that, there are also passengers clamoring to get into the ship even if they know that there's a typhoon coming.

    My point is... the tragedy was not the fault of Sulpicio. Nor can we blame the coast guard, or even the passengers... It was just an unfortunate play of events that involved everyone, a tragedy and an accident.

    No, Sulpicio should not shut down...

    By the way, just a hint to everyone, even until now Sulpicio still offers masses for the victims of Doña Paz at the Chinese temple at the back of the defunct White Gold. Last week, a high mass for 14 days presided by Tibetan monks was conducted with no less than the Sulpicio family themselves attending and offering.

    The victims of all the tragedies are also inscribed in the temple.

  4. #14

    Default About Sulpicio Lines

    From : Phil. Air*Ports Star Web Edition: News & Views on the Phil. Bureau of Customs (member BOC Press Corps.) - Views : Customs & Sulpicio's Dangerous Cargo

    Phil. Air*Ports Star Web Edition: News & Views on the Phil. Bureau of Customs (member BOC Press Corps.)

    Views : Customs & Sulpicio's Dangerous Cargo Jul 3, '08 7:00 AM
    for everyone
    Lifestyles of the Rich & Shameless

    By Benjie Rebueno, Jr.

    Customs & Sulpicio’s Dangerous Cargo

    Sulpicio Lines Inc. strongly denied allegations knowingly allowing dangerous cargo aboard the ill-fated M/V Princess of the Stars.

    Also denied withholding information on the alleged presence of pesticide on board the vessel that sank off the coast of Romblon at the height of Typhoon Frank.

    The shipping firm said that the Bill of Lading of the Endosulfan shipment did not indicate that the cargo was potentially dangerous or toxic.

    That Sulpicio was made to rely on the declaration of the shipper, Del Monte Philippines, Inc. as indicated in the Bill of Lading.

    “SLI had no way of ascertaining the contents of the sealed container as it was loaded, counted and sealed by the shipper. Under Customs regulations, SLI was expressly prohibited from even opening the container.”

    Further, that SLI exercised reasonable measures to ensure that dangerous materials were not brought on board or loaded on the vessel.

    Technicalities of that Bill of Lading

    According to Del Monte Philippines, they are the only company permitted by the Bureau of Food and Drugs Administration – BFAD – to import the toxic pesticide.

    Therefore, from importation (by air or sea) this will be transferred to a Shipping Line – in this case, Sulpicio Lines.

    The Bill of Lading (for sea) will be accomplished by the Broker ( a requirement by the shipping company and the Bureau of Customs). Del Monte will have to declare their cargo. So why would Del Monte misdeclare their cargo – when they would have their BFAD approval for this.

    From country of origin to the Philippines – the Bill of Lading will be automatic. You cannot bring the shipment out of the customs zone without this. To bring this out, the shipping company cannot deny knowledge of this cargo. Sulpicio Lines will have to declare the same cargo to the Bureau of Customs.

    The Bureau of Customs will then approve the transshipment after all pertinent documents have been checked. BFAD, Coast Guard and Dept. of Agriculture. Hence, both the shipping line and the BoC would know what it is that they (Sulpicio) will be carrying in its cargo bay.

    Imagine if the shipment were radio-active materials, several government agencies will have to clear its shipment. Hence, the agencies involved would know that it is a Toxic Chemical. This includes Sulpicio Lines.

    So for Sulpicio to try to wiggle out of their problems, fault finding will be the only way to go for them. It will not even pass the scrutiny of any official from the Bureau of Customs.

    Unless it was a Table Exam

    The only way a cargo as this could be loaded into a Passenger Ship vessel will be via the “patalon” system. That will be from one section to another. The cargo would have to be misdeclared.

    Or that Sulpicio would have violated the law for passenger ships versus cargo vessel ships. When they sent Endusolfal through a passenger ship.

    Did Sulpicio allow Del Monte to ship their toxic chemical without going through Customs?

    Does it mean that Del Monte was their own client? How does Del Monte ship the same to Bohol… if not thru Sulpicio. If so, Del Monte would be an old client. And since this chemical is used for agricultural purposes, then this will not be the first time it would be loaded onto a Sulpicio vessel.

    If Del Monte alleges that the cargo should have been loaded on another vessel, then someone is lying. It cannot be the Bureau of Customs. Neither can it be Del Monte. Since the owner of the vessel would be Sulpicio. Would any of the above make that decision other than Sulpicio?

    Another Twisted View

    How did that cargo go into a passenger vessel? For sake of discussion… would the Coast Guard, Customs, BFAD and Dept. of Agriculture be in connivance with one another?

    Such that the blame should now be put onto PAG-ASA?

  5. #15
    as a cargo vessel... NO.

    dghan jd mawad-an og work kng ipa shut down ang SL

  6. #16
    C.I.A. t3ChNo™'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peewee_toot View Post
    as a cargo vessel... NO.

    dghan jd mawad-an og work kng ipa shut down ang SL
    I agree with you bro. we need freight carriers such as sulpicio

  7. #17
    for me NO... ang dapat is i upgrade nila ang ila system and facilities sa ship. then maybe seminar again sa mga crew on what to do about mga ana nga storm kng dapat ba cla mo padayon kng naay risk invovle. and also implement strict rules for the shipping industry

  8. #18
    Here's something: All ships from Central Visayas are not qualified to sail according to Marina chief.

    Sun.Star Cebu - All ships in Central Visayas not qualified to sail: Marina chief

    This is not only about Sulpicio but all shipping lines as well.

  9. #19
    C.I.A. godsaint's Avatar
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    Shutting down Sulpicio will create more problems.It will slowly kill the families of SL employees and will add negative effect to the countries economy.mas maayo pang nga ilisdan ang presidente kay daghan man siyag kwarta kaysa patyon ang buhi pa.

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by godsaint View Post
    Shutting down Sulpicio will create more problems.It will slowly kill the families of SL employees and will add negative effect to the countries economy.mas maayo pang nga ilisdan ang presidente kay daghan man siyag kwarta kaysa patyon ang buhi pa.
    bisag kinsa pa presidente, halos tanan na man politico! wa nay mapili ron. Wa gyud ko kasabot ngano mangurakot pa sila nga datu na man.. kay ang datu magpakadatu daw? BS

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