what about WGA, Negros NAV, Lite Shipping, Trans Asia, etc? They also serving people and they are vulnerable for the same accident at sea too...
ang maau gyung buhaton ani is to follow IMO (International Maritime Organization) standards nya
"ipa implement gyd" dli lng mada ug bayran bayran ang mga certificates. pero this is jst so easy than done. to make every vessel "sea worthy", improve communications, upgrade training for crew (as in hands-on gyd dli nsd ipa-agig bayad bayad), etc.
i've seen today "Reporter's Notebook", reporting on the latest maritime problems in the country.
Coast guard official said that they will conduct inspection but not thoroughly kai "it's time consuming" daw; they won't go more on details rather they just do spot checks/ or general checking...Wow!
they admit nga the agency lacks personnel and equipments...
so kng mao man gani ni, expect more sea accidents to come. again blame God! - this is easy