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  1. #11

    thank you very much guys! il try everything you've posted here... im actually doing this for a friend salamat istoryans!

  2. #12
    try kuno ni bro..

    1. right click sa imong desktop
    2. then properties
    3. click the screen saver
    4. the click the power naa sa ubos
    5. e set dayon ni cya
    turn off monitor = never
    turn off hardisk = never
    system standby = never

    i hope makatabang ni bro....

  3. #13
    power supply ako suspect ana..

  4. #14
    since there's a driver error message, it could be a failing hardware (least likely but who knows).
    most probably a virus infection at first and now a corrupted os.

    usually if it is heat issue or mem issue, it will just shut down but will boot up normally all over again.

  5. #15
    memory ? hdd ? PSU ? mao na akong encounter mo restart ang pc.

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