Manny Pacquiao Interview after winning by TKO over Morales in the 1oth round.
Did you guys notice that Manny has explicit words on his interview in the HBO pay per view last Satuday? and a lot of people, kids are watching.. listen to this.
Then the announcer passed the mic to Larry Merchants or whatever his name is
Larry: Congratulations! Manny did you think you could knock out Erik Morales?
Manny: Amm.. I was as is expect that ahh.. I'm knokhing out but I ahh expected that we we finish the twelve rounds you know I'm lucky.. that ahh I hit him the body shot and ahh.. mor ahh in the head...
Larry: Are you saying that you think the fact that you went to the body more than you did in the last fight helped to slow him down so that you can finish the fight?
Manny: Yeah am ahh eh herts to the body but the first fight is ahh.. am I can see his ah.. body shot because ah.. ahh I have a bloody.. bloody eyes you know.. so ahh.. this time so I'm I'm sure that I.. I am careful to the heads.. so I can see his ah pants.
Larry: So you say you could see him better because you aren't uncut? do you think your gloves also contributed to what happend?
Manny: Oh yeah exactly that.. the gloves have ah.. that I using
clitoris is ahh you know.. I like those gloves is my gloves.. so ahh.. he she iss uses ahh own glove ah.. winning.. so.. ahh both of us ah comfortable to use the gloves.
Larry: Could you see him getting tired around the six and seventh rounds from your punches and could Could you see across the ring as he showed such fatigue?
Manny: I saw him is ahhh.. everytime I hit to the body.. he is hert and then ahh.. hes stop to punching so.. I know hes is hert to the body so.. but I'm not ahh like ah.. like agreesive you know to I'm carefull too because he is he have a pants he power pants also so I'm careful to his pants.
This is my version (Ohh what the hell I'm bored..
) to Manny, I'm very proud of you man you represents real pinoy!! :mrgreen: