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  1. #11

    Quote Originally Posted by herzabarJR View Post
    ^^ Yeah my argument is FLAWED, I forgot it is all about a STUDY while I was talking about REALITY.....
    Then again your arguments below are flawed. The study was based on economic participation and opportunity, health and survival, educational attainment, and political empowerment. It does not anywhere mentioned about the status of the country. You are assuming Q implies P on the basis that P implies Q. You are barking the wrong tree. The result only shows the freedom and opportunities of women in the country. If you want to discuss the relevance of gender equality in the economy, it requires another set of variables.
    Quote Originally Posted by herzabarJR View Post
    You can CITE thousands of studies about how good our country is, but the FACT of the matter is that STUDIES WILL NEVER CHANGE A THING....
    Really? Almost every good endeavors are the result of thorough studies. 99.99% of the time you will fail in the business if you have not conducted the proper feasibility study. The subject in case right now is not a one-medicine cure all as you have implied but rather it is a tool that can be used by certain institutions that may or may not have direct effect to the economy.

    Quote Originally Posted by herzabarJR View Post
    Studies will never make a dent on the sad plight of what millions of Filipinas are going through.... US, CANADA, the UK scored low, yet THOUSANDS of FILIPINAS are going there to seek better opportunities and survive, does a STUDY help reverse that trend? I do not think so... Studies never feed a hungry stomach...How many "Canadian" domestic helpers got executed or "COMMITTED SUICIDE IN MYSTERIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES" in Singapore? How many Canadian women were locked up in cages in Lebanon?
    Then again your arguments are irrelevant to the subject whilst contradicting to your case. If I would have to take your argument seriously, I felt vindicated that the Philippines are not like Lebanon who lock up Canadian women for reasons only you have known.
    Quote Originally Posted by herzabarJR View Post

    Do women in developed countries that scored low REALLY GIVES A DAMN about this study? They would rather prefer that their country score low than ENDURE what most FILIPINAS have to go through... I bet FILIPINAS WOULD RATHER have our COUNTRY SCORE LOW than endure what they are going through right now.
    Again, your case is based on "False Causation". Com hoc ergo propter hoc. Besides do you have data to support your argument that women in developed countries don't really give a damn? What you have is only speculation? What you see in the news in not always what you get.

    Quote Originally Posted by herzabarJR View Post
    To institutions that requires the data, IT DOES MATTER. If for you it doesn't matter, then, you don't have to risk heart better enjoy your milk.

  2. #12
    ^^^ LOL You have taken this study way too seriously... and since when did Lebanon locked up Canadian women? Didn't you get sarcasm

    Now tell me mr cottonmouth, if you do understand its meaning, DOES THIS STUDY REALLY MATTER IN THE GRAND SCHEME OF THINGS? Take note we are not talking about institutions here... A simple matter of yes or no will suffice.... And lastly, how will this study alleviate the average Filipina's current standing?

  3. #13
    indeed our current president is a women...and as always their will always good and bad thing about it...

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by herzabarJR View Post
    Political dynasties and money rule our politics... GENDER does not matter, but MONEY AND FAMILY NAME DOES... Lets not try to make something out of this like how a WOMAN'S RIGHTS are protected because battered housewives are a plenty and how many Filipinas under the age of 18 are slaving it out in factories and homes....

    Political empowerment?? For the right amount of money, FILIPINOS will vote for SOMEBODY regardless of GENDER, MAN OR WOMAN... Hell for the right amount of money, FILIPINOS will vote for a MONKEY... YES, FILIPINAS with NAME AND MONEY are empowered....

    This study does not hide the fact that HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF FILIPINAS LEAVE THE COUNTRY to become domestic helpers where they end up dead, abused, enslaved or executed....Some FILIPINAS become JAPAYUKIS, BRUNEIYUKIS, etc.....

    Lets not forget how CHEAP maids in the Philippines are... for 1.5k a month, you got yourself a MAID..Practically all the households I have been to has a maid or two, a yaya, a labandera or a cook and I am pretty sure most iSTORYANs have too...

    There is nothing wrong with being a maid, a cook, labandera or a yaya... They earn an honest living...
    But can anyone here tell me that they dream having their daughter grow up becoming a MAID OR A YAYA?
    I don't think so...

    So tell me is the PHILIPPINES one of the best countries for WOMEN? Give me a break....

    Let's start how other countries like GREECE, Hong Kong SAR, JORDAN, LEBANON define and treat FILIPINAS...

    I totally agree that the Philippines is one the best countries for women. The fact that there are so many Filipinas working as domestic helpers or entertainers is not in any way related to the survey. Why do i say so? Because the survey is based partly on equal opportunities for men and women. That is the reason why the Phils is a good country for women. Take India for example, where women are treated differently from men. Men expect Indian women to stay at home and do all the household chores. And I mean "all". And it is a fact that it is so hard for women in India to get a high position in a company. In the end, it all boils down to the freedom of choice for women.

    In the Phils, women can choose what they want to do. They are given the same oppportunities given to men. If they are yayas or japayukis, they chose to be. If they choose to become an executive or a lawyer, no one can from becoming what they want to be.

    Women in the Phils have the same rights as men and that is enough to make the Philippines a very good place for women.

  5. #15
    Men and Women are all equal in the Philippines!

  6. #16
    yup! agree ko niya.. pero sometimes, mas better jud ang girlS! mabuhay pinas!

  7. #17
    C.I.A. Dorothea's Avatar
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    I am honestly grateful that lady luck destined for me to be born a Filipina. I cannot imagine being a woman living in countries where the norm is for females to be subservient, where culture dictates that you be invisible and that your only purpose in life is to produce an offspring. *shudder*

    So, yes, I agree that the Philippines is a good country for women. And I base this on the number of ander de saya husbands roaming around, fearful of their masters aka wives.

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Dorothea View Post
    So, yes, I agree that the Philippines is a good country for women. And I base this on the number of ander de saya husbands roaming around, fearful of their masters aka wives.

    Arrrggghh... hehehehe I hope I will not be one of the USA's. Filipina's are femme fatale. swoossh.

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