unsa diay imu gp, long or short hair?
Guinea pigs are rodents. I'm not sure what strain your GP belongs to, but they need some time to habituate to new environment. It might be that it is of the wild-type variety and has not been domesticated yet. They usually eat veggies but they are also known to eat their own poop.
Different from hamsters, they prefer to be in groups and single-housing could elicit stress. You removed it from its natural habitat, the least you could do is revert to its accustomed routine. Record its sleep time and feeding characteristics. Hold it with limited restraint as well. The sound it makes could be because it is in pain or it perceives you as a predator.
Habituate and be patient.
Recently I bought a guinea pig because I wanted so much a pet. Guinea pigs are very sensitive animals. I want the best for my pet. That`s why I feed him with the best food. I try to spend as much time as possible around my pet because love him so much. Sometimes, I find it hard to take care of him. That`s why I search on different platforms for new hints. If you want the best for your pet, I recommend you to try https://pawbility.com/can-guinea-pigs-eat-watermelon/ because here is the best information possible.
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