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  1. #11

    hahah no kiddinG i had ThaT caLL.. aTai kaaYo.. naa Pa..

    CusTomeR: i am a PRoFessoR and i wanna TReaT You as one oF mY sTudenT.. i wanT You To end YouR answeRs wiTh mR FaTcock..

    AGenT: im soRRY siR buT we canT do ThaT..

    CusTomeR: saY mY LasTname..

    AGenT: **muTe mode** GiaTaY maY unTa uG dako GYud.. waaaahhh!!

  2. #12
    hala ka dha....cge raba ta english mu sipyat jd oi..hehehe

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by bigdad_sid View Post
    Dead air happened while the agent was processing an order....
    Customer: "Are you still there...."
    Agent: "Yes, sir...I'm still there..."

    OMG! hahahahahaha

  4. #14
    here's another one: i dunno if this is true, but you be the judge!! hahahahaha

    Cust: "May I know your name?.."
    Agent: "Batman..."

    C:"May I know your name?"
    A:"My name is Bat-man..."

    C:"Trying to be funny?!. What is your surname?.."

    C:"I want to speak with your manager..."

    ug mao ni iyang ID:

    hahahahahaa sala ba diay niya kung mao jd na iyang name??

  5. #15
    ataka ani oi....hehehe..suparman jd...

  6. #16
    hahahha.. .

  7. #17
    OMG can't stop laughing..... suparman!!!!!

    i don't care if this is really true or what but it made me laugh out loud

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by im_insensiTive View Post
    AGenT: is TheRe anYThinG else i can do FoR You?
    CusTomeR: can You moan FoR me?

    Hahaha mao na LaGi na bah..


    kauban ra sab na sa ako friend...

    Agent: Anything else that I can assist you with, Sir?
    Customer: Yes. Can you lower your bra for me?

    manyakis man pod cla while sa phone lang diay...

  9. #19

    Default hehe

    Quote Originally Posted by juleskiboi View Post
    here's another one: i dunno if this is true, but you be the judge!! hahahahaha

    Cust: "May I know your name?.."
    Agent: "Batman..."

    C:"May I know your name?"
    A:"My name is Bat-man..."

    C:"Trying to be funny?!. What is your surname?.."

    C:"I want to speak with your manager..."

    ug mao ni iyang ID:

    hahahahahaa sala ba diay niya kung mao jd na iyang name??
    very nice hehehe

  10. #20
    Gibinuangan mana na iya pangalan sa iya inahan.hehehe...

  11.    Advertisement

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