nyehehe... cge ko ka-shock kung mosulod ko sa CR, thinking na sa women's cr ko ni-enter.. di man ingani sauna sa Etel kay di mn i-allow ang crossdressing.. anyweyz, kanya-kanyang diskarte raman na.
hahahaha abi nmug grasya na disgrasya man diay nyahahahahahaha
good job boss... congrats you just need to perform and do your best.... stream are ramping and mostly they are promoting agents to supervisors well not all are blessed but you just need to focus....yahay rman sa microsoft boss XBOX? or MS STORE?
Thanks! Me and the rest of my wavemates just passed the first assessment and we have six more to go. Huhuhu.. XBox Chat ko na assign. I'm a girl by the way. Hopefully maka pasar jud mi until nesting.
Thanks! Me and the rest of my wavemates just passed the first assessment and we have six more to go. Huhuhu.. XBox Chat ko na assign. I'm a girl by the way. Hopefully maka pasar jud mi until nesting.