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  1. #181

    of course there gonna defend it... its there right, right? but whats wrong is when u continue to defend ur religion when everybody knows ur religion is wrong

  2. #182
    C.I.A. FAQ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pinoy_09 View Post
    of course there gonna defend it... its there right, right? but whats wrong is when u continue to defend ur religion when everybody knows ur religion is wrong
    I agree with you man.

    They all reminds me of Soc Fernandez, even though his adopted son Joavan is such a nuisance in the society, he still willing to throw himself in front of a bus to protect his son. So ironic, Soc Fernandez is also a Catholic defender.

  3. #183
    This is all OT.. clearly, everybody here didn't bother to read the link posted by the TS.

  4. #184
    ^ yup this is about vatican bank, not the catholic church. its like if theres an issue with PNP and you discuss the entire philippines. its just one branch of an organization. it's just an excuse for faith-bashing...

  5. #185
    Quote Originally Posted by FAQ View Post
    I agree with you man.

    They all reminds me of Soc Fernandez, even though his adopted son Joavan is such a nuisance in the society, he still willing to throw himself in front of a bus to protect his son. So ironic, Soc Fernandez is also a Catholic defender.
    Actually .... what are your facts ? You are purely known for GENRALIZING .... battle tested na ka ana mr . Historian in the expense of GOOGLE .

    But no one can deny the fact that they're involved with MONEY LAUNDERING SCANDAL ... Oh, is this the first time they got involved with this kind of nature?? NOTTTT!!! Y'all should research the "Banco Ambrosiano".
    WHo are these " they " ? The VATICAN ? Again where and what are your FACTS ?

    Ok, the Vatican is a political entity, not a religious one. Sooo obvious!!! When was the last time you heard of a religious entity owning a bank??
    And this is a FACT ? I would rather say its a BUSINESS rather than a POLITICAL PARTY . Now where your facts on these ?

    Damn pedophiles, go to hell and burn for eternity!
    SO who are these PEDOPHILES ? The VATICAN ? For the nth time ... what are your FACTS Mr. Historian ?

    Well ... I didnt claim to be a GUNNER unlike you who loudly proclaimed you are a HISTORIAN . Let the FACTS flood the forums now .

    Just because a TRANSACTION was processed na naay kulang na requirements was due for an INVESTIGATION because it is a STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE of every bank to conduct it . ANg mga tao karon , abi kay gi imbestigahan man , gi accused dayon ang VATICAN ug MONEY LAUNDERING . IN the first place , kabalo ba mo unsay MONEY LAUNDERING and why it is illegal ? Ayaw mo palaban sa GOOGLE hap like what some people here are known for . By the way , this is not DEFENDING the CATHOLIC CHURCH nor the VATICAN but by just merely being responsible enough and jsutifying our statements na right and just siya and di lang pataka ug bira kay mahug mo ana ug murag korek .
    Last edited by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40; 09-25-2010 at 10:40 AM.
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  6. #186
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    Quote Originally Posted by FAQ View Post
    I agree with you man.

    They all reminds me of Soc Fernandez, even though his adopted son Joavan is such a nuisance in the society, he still willing to throw himself in front of a bus to protect his son. So ironic, Soc Fernandez is also a Catholic defender.
    Being a catholic does not exempt Soc Fernandes to be a father and a human being.

  7. #187
    kaning mga hilason diri....pag tsure mo oi! ahahaha...walay labot ang mga katoliko ani mga brod...lagpas ra kaayo mo ug utok...kun lahi inyo relihiyon...ayaw lang panira kay utro pudna inyo rilihiyon.....dili mabuhi ang usa ka grupo kun walay money...ang sa katoliko wala man pinugsanay kun muhatag baka or dili...dili man mao ang isyu diri...ahahaha...ang uban gani diha kay hatagan dayon og sobre unya pakonsensyaon ka para makahatag...kamong mga maayong laki diri....look at urselves...kun asa mo na belong, if mohatag mo money or donate, dili manmo mo think sa pari or sa pastor padulong inyo money kundi ni offer mo para sa inyo ginoo ..............ani nalang.....kay ma out of topic man gyudta if sakyan nato ang mga issue sa mga maayong laki diri......SUYA lang mo sa katoliko daghan kwarta amo grupo....ahahahahaha .

  8. #188
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    Quote Originally Posted by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 View Post
    Actually .... what are your facts ? You are purely known for GENRALIZING .... battle tested na ka ana mr . Historian in the expense of GOOGLE .
    Pfftt ... GENERALIZING? Let's see ...

    WHo are these " they " ? The VATICAN ? Again where and what are your FACTS ?
    Yessir! Why don't you look up INSTITUTE FOR WORKS OF RELIGION and CREDITO AMBROSIANO fiasco in 1982, ROBERT CALVI, and POPE JOHN PAUL I??

    And this is a FACT ? I would rather say its a BUSINESS rather than a POLITICAL PARTY . Now where your facts on these ?
    "The main underlying Roman Catholic purpose is to infiltrate, and penetrate all the areas of life, were the Roman Catholic Church can have control with excess in a One World Government. ...this have been in preparation especially since the formation of the Jesuit order in 1541 to infiltrate absolutely every area of society so as to take over the world politically and religiously. The two main doctrines of Catholicism that define this are ... The doctrine of the Apostolic succession, which is actually the Papacy. And the doctrine of temporal power which is secular government. The office of Pope illustrates this easily ... The Pope is the head of the Church as well as the head of the State of Rome."

    Soo .. Vatican is sort of running a business, eh?! Thanks for adding! Oh, did you know that the current Pope is a NAZI ?? Also the VATICAN helped NAZI officers to escape from prosecution which became known as OPERATION RAT LINE?? It's hard to argue they ain't political.

    SO who are these PEDOPHILES ? The VATICAN ? For the nth time ... what are your FACTS Mr. Historian ?
    Apparently ... Vatican hides PEDOPHILES ... That means they're pedophiles too! Don't tell me this ain't true ?? You should watch a documentary called "S-E-X Crimes and the Vatican"...

    Just because a TRANSACTION was processed na naay kulang na requirements was due for an INVESTIGATION because it is a STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE of every bank to conduct it . ANg mga tao karon , abi kay gi imbestigahan man , gi accused dayon ang VATICAN ug MONEY LAUNDERING . IN the first place , kabalo ba mo unsay MONEY LAUNDERING and why it is illegal ? Ayaw mo palaban sa GOOGLE hap like what some people here are known for . By the way , this is not DEFENDING the CATHOLIC CHURCH nor the VATICAN but by just merely being responsible enough and jsutifying our statements na right and just siya and di lang pataka ug bira kay mahug mo ana ug murag korek .
    Why don't you tell us why MONEY LAUNDERING is illegal, since you sound like having a deep knowledge about it ... So funny you said "Ayaw mo palaban sa GOOGLE" ... LMFAO!!! Where do you want us to research information , in the Bible?? LMFAO ...

    Hmmm ... So all I said was entirely lies?? Why don't you research and see it for yourself ... Facts are stubborn things, eh?!

    Anyways .. are you saying that the event was just an ACCIDENT?? Hmmm ... Making two suspicious transactions (as you claim "kulang na requirements") doesn't seem accidental to any sane people. LMFAOO!!

  9. #189
    Quote Originally Posted by masterjanuarius View Post
    Bro, I dont think bishops or priests today would be doing what you have just posted ... nor will catholics, today, donate lands or money for the sheer reason of FEAR. Maybe what you've posted is true in the past, maybe .. but, how can we ask our dead ancestors? Had they left a will of donation which specified that such an act is to "save their souls from the fire of hell?" well, well, we can only speculate ... pangutan-on unya nako akong lolo inigkamatay nako ngano gi donar niya iyang 25 hectars sa pari para matukuran ug church ug school .. hehe
    yup.. thanks to education and entry of other religions.. ang power sa catholic church na reduce.. dili nman ignorante mga tao gud karon.

    though i admit mas ganahan ko pag ang tao mo donate out of love.. i hate it when they donate due to fear...

    as a real estate developer.. its not the first time ive heard of this situations.. i could even give names if i want to.. but that would be unethical..

    in some areas, the church even practice agressive land-grabbing.. usually mahitabo ni sa mga properties adjacent to church properties.. naa pud instances nga mogamit sila mga corrupt surveyors... (but such practices lasted only around the mid-40s here in the phils)

    sits not only land.. theres also money.. and on poor folks, dawat simbahan livestock....

    so much for history...

    back to the vatican.. somehow murag opposite kaau sa "vows of poverty" or "humility" ang gipakita sa heads of the church... there such hypocrites

  10. #190
    Quote Originally Posted by RMK711 View Post
    Ang kinahanglan ra jud ani kay transparency, labi na sa mga religious nga org, dili ra catholic church. daghan man gud kaayo ilad diri, daghan kaayo 'religious leaders' nga nadato pero wala tay kalibutan kung asa gikan ilang kuwarta. so mahulog ra sa duda. kung naay open books policy ang simbahan, ma-settle na ning mga conspiracy theory.. kay ang conspiracy theory is borne out of secrecy.. because people are in the dark and so they form their own conclusions, no matter how right or wrong.

    naa bay rason ngano closed ang books sa simbahan?
    it would be a good reason for the church not to disclose the actual money it has..

    kinsa ba ganahan mohatag kwarta sa usa ka institution nga daghan surplus sa kwarta?


    it is in the best interest of the church to keep its image simple and not look-like a money-hungry monster.. besides you practice what you preach dba?...

    the church preaches against extravagance.. so it shouldnt display extravagance..
    (but sad to say.. they are only good at the preaching part.. not the doing part)

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