first of all you cant really tell if that dogma is true or not. remember what and how dogma was applied regarding FLAT EARTHers...and something funny as that ended/silenced countless lives for rejecting such funny notion...and for what dogmatic beliefs.
your dogma claims its case you havent noticed yet. so are the OTHER dogmas from OTHER denominations...they claim theirs is true too. now what??
besides, you can only back your dogmas with FAITH...your words--->>>
gut feeling.
since when did mud pie magic become mature knowledge to begin with?
have you ever heard about the creation museum,
billions of dollars for such waste.
creationism isnt SCIENTIFIC in the first place, you missed out on that one kebz. even its founder acknowledges creationism isn't scientific. and you call it a theory now...try again.
has anybody else observed mud pie magic at hand? tell me something i dont know kebz...what has creationism offered us really? breakthrough drugs in the field of pharmacology? how about surgery? NOTHING really.
self explanatory??
i see the same things you are pointing at kebz, sufficient explanations are available. no designer involved there.
ever heard the saying of
standing in the shoulder of giants?
it means using the understanding gained by major thinkers who have gone before in order to make
intellectual progress. einstein's theories paved something BIGGER and BETTER. his efforts will not go down in vain.

please limit yourself to OTHER theories that rivaled big bang...
right back at you. no convincing evidence for your mud pie magic either. other than POOOF there it is. better stick to our tribal roots and prefer BAMBOO SHOOTS for malakas and maganda kebz.