Cherry mobile sucks!!!!....
Makalagot ang cherry mobile...
Cherry mobile sucks!!!!....
Makalagot ang cherry mobile...
q3 bro
gahi og keypad og lisod etx at first
-murag sosyal og dugy mglobat..abot og 5days mormal tx n kol ra..
-mas lig.on cya sa mga cloned
i need help for my m35 CHerry mOBILE...
question: Mu auto detect sa pc if ako i connect iya usb with phone on? coz ang ako igo ra jud cya mucharge and cant detect anything else in my pc... ofcors i do have 2gb memory card on it... is it the defected phone ive got?
i had it just this afternoon. i had this good nd evil n my sides saying things that i should and shouldnt. kay on that very hour i was sitting nside n that phone store sa cyberzone sa sm cebu,. naay tao nagwala complaining with his 1 day old phone from that store that he accidentally dropped with ofcors a little evidence left sa phone... and the store didnt accept it anymore for REPLACEMENT... but darn! i still bought one.
thinking that i shouldnt be suffering loading up 2-3phones n my purse rather than just one phone for 2 networks...
pero in this case.. im really much toggling about how this USB thing should work. But mindly, IT SHOULD WORK AUTOMATICALLY WHEN WE PLUG USB PORTS TO OUR PC WITH THE DEVICE ON...
Last edited by tinayko; 03-11-2010 at 11:05 PM.
I got the same phone.....over a month now....when you connect it to your pc via usb you phone it would display "Mass storage or Webcam" so youl have that option ... pressing mass storage of course wil show up on your pc the files inside your phone.
sometimes ..maybe usb is loose... nothing shows up when you connect the usb would just display " charging " ....what id do is unplugged it and plug it again. it usually does the trick.
I hope that helps.
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