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Results 181 to 190 of 1121
  1. #181

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    Quote Originally Posted by Cardinal Bunal
    No. But neither do any of the ministers of any institution that claims to be the "One True Mystical Body" (1 Cor. 2: 11)
    He doesn't leave us in darkness of what he wants us to know though. (Deut. 29: 29 )
    But HOW then does He not leave us in darkness? The Bible is quite clear: Christ gave authority to the Catholic Church through its Apostolic Authority. (Matt. 16:18, 1 Tim. 3:15, 2 Tim. 2:2, Eph. 3:5, 2 Thess. 2:15). This was the same authority the early Christians recognized (by the way, THERE WAS NO BIBLE AT THAT TIME; they relied on the authority of the Catholic Church).

    One thing is for sure, Christ did NOT give that authority to you.

  2. #182

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    yup but not the rcc...

  3. #183

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    Quote Originally Posted by MrBiddle
    yup but not the rcc...
    Wrong again. It's right there in the Bible. There was no other Church at the time and the Roman Catholic Church is the exact same one authorized by Christ Himself. I challenge you to show how it became another Church. Oh, and don't bother with your fantasies about Constantine. He never founded a church.

  4. #184

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    Well, it's NOT chronicled in the Bible but even before Constantine there were definitely other writers trying to create some "so-called" epistles and calling it part of "Written Word". This was even before the 1st one hundred years of Christianity. It only became another church two centuries later.... Christ founded the religion because we are all offshoots of Israel, God's Holy people regardless of what banner we wave. Constantine merely aided in the apostasy to have it go full throttle and eventually, encompass a worldwide rule. (Dan 7: 23 )

  5. #185

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    one thing ...
    The BIBLE must be interpreted in the light of our times.

  6. #186

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    "Wrong again. It's right there in the Bible. There was no other Church at the time and the Roman Catholic Church is the exact same one authorized by Christ Himself. I challenge you to show how it became another Church. Oh, and don't bother with your fantasies about Constantine. He never founded a church."

    I think...that we must not claim that the Roman Catholic Church is the true church...( I am a Roman Catholic though ).
    The church that Jesus Christ has been referring to throughout the Holy Scriptures is the
    People of God. The Church is the People Of God and is in communion with His Body. Therefore people no matter
    what religion they associate themselves with who RESPOND to God's word become members of the Church, Christ's Body
    since God's Word is Jesus Christ become flesh.
    Also the body's unity does not do away with the DIVERSITY of its members. The CHURCH does not refer to the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH nor to the ANGLICAN CHURCH nor to the GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH etc...but it refers to all
    those people who believe in HIM. This CHURCH is universal and this universal Church is seen to be 'a people brought into
    unity from the unity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
    One reason perhaps why there are so many religions is that they have different interpretations of the Holy Scriptures.
    Let us respect their interpretations for they might have been inspired by the Holy Spirit.
    They may have different practices in their worship and tradition, but their belief in the same true God and true Christ
    makes us all united in HIS BODY - the one TRUE CHURCH

  7. #187

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    and about those who claim to be ATHEISTS...those who deny the existence of GOD...
    let them choke on their words...kainin nila lahat ng arguments nila...
    for the very fact that they believe in the idea of LOVE, of PEACE, of UNDERSTANDING, of
    MUTUAL RESPECT, of UNITY AND HARMONY among things-living and non-living
    make them believers of GOD...since LOVE,PEACE,UNDERSTANDING,RESPECT,UNITY,HARMONY,BEA UTY etc...
    are ATTRIBUTES of GOD...I mean nobody around us here know what and who GOD is...right? Yet we all know that
    God is also all those beautiful and good things happening around, right?
    so whenever you meet someone who asks "IS THERE GOD?" or "DOES GOD EXIST?" because
    they are depressed or down or something or ATHEIST perhaps,
    Tell them : "I do not know who or what you are referring to, but I am PRETTY SURE that there
    is LOVE...there is someone out there who CARES...probably your parents or your FRIENDS...
    there is PEACE,HAPPINESS...and more..."

    so religion does not matter after all...what matters is how we treat others and ourselves...

  8. #188

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    Quote Originally Posted by Onins

    Another thing just wanna know, do you really think we really need a mediator ba tawag nun? like you cant confess your sins without priest? or do we have to say our prayers through the saints? who made the saints? men... prone to sin, error and all. I confess my sins directly to Him.
    I am going to explain in a very simple fashion...
    the question is actually why the church believes in the act of the Holy Confession, right...
    Re: Jesus Christ told His Apostles: whatever your forgive on earth shall be forgiven in Heaven...

    The question is why...? Why did Jesus allowed His Apostles and successors and priest-servants to mediate or to forgive us
    in behalf of Him?

    1.Because Jesus Christ is no longer physically here.
    2. Just by telling the sinner the words "I forgive you..." relieves him of the burden that he carries along with his sin...
    3. The priest in effect is also telling the sinner : "DON'T WORRY I ASSURE YOU JESUS CHRIST WILL FORGIVE YOU..."
    Doesn't that relieve you in any way...believing that priests are given the authority to forgive in His behalf...

    Let us put it like this: If you have terribly sinned against a friend and I tell you "AYAW KABALAKA...MOPASAYLO NA CIA..MAKASABOT NA CIA NIMO..THOUGH MASUKO...INIG SETTLE DOWN SA IYAHA KALAGOT...MAKASABOT NA CIA..."
    di ba at least ma hungaw imoha least di na jud ka kaayo ma burden? di ba...

    so that is also true in the case of CONFESSION to a PRIEST...we need somebody who will help us lessen the BURDEN of our SINS..
    and the priests will...

    suwayi kuno ingon sa imoha kaugalingon..."PLEASE MIGO..PASAYLOA KO..." after, relieved ka ba? di ba dili...
    with all honesty...di ba DILI... kinahanglan isulti nato sa atoa FRIEND ba ron or somebody we can TRUST na nakasala ta sa atoa usa ka MIGO or supervisor or boss or sa ubang tawo
    og nagbasul ta sa atoa SALA og we are sorry that we have SINNED...only then that we are set FREE of the burden of the SIN...
    albeit in simple ways....

    and is not about confessions, or priests mediating in Christ's behalf..but IT IS ABOUT
    THE SINNER being relieved of HIS SINS, being FREED from MISERY...think about telling your FRIEND not to worry
    because he will be somehow forgiven and helping him lessen his burden...isn't it not worthwhile?

    the idea there is also to bring PEACE OF MIND to the sinner or friend...

    so...did I answer your question?Â*

  9. #189

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    Quote Originally Posted by Lawrencenc
    2 all freakin' Catholics u worship God right? and u obey his commandments? if yes, then why do u make other false gods? that's blasphemy!!! you blasphemist catholics you even praise & worship the freakin' virgin mary which also known as "God's Concubine!!!" you even listen 2 a freakin priest which most of them are unclean faggots!!! u even have festivals called "Sinulog"
    in which u praise that freakin small doll of urs!!! who wears some red cape like some kind of Wanna be Superman Reject!!! You've been blinded by the truth by keep on making ur religion as an opium! I pity u all! what a shame! damn u damn u 2 hell!
    Excuse me...but we catholics do not PRAISE and WORSHIP the Virgin Mary...But we VENERATE and HONOUR
    with whole fervor the VIRGIN MARY and the saints just as your schools HONOR your outstanding students and cum laudes for
    the good works they did...there is a clear distinction between WORSHIP and VENERATION

  10. #190

    Default Re: RELIGION....(part 2)

    Calling the admin! Puede pa close sa thread. Maabot na lang ta ani ug part 1,000,00 nga thread wla'y kahumanan sa lalis. Since obviously, everybody is just going to defend thier position and that's it.

    USIK, USIK, lang mo ug bandwidth ug disk space. Each to this own! Mao bitaw naa'y freedom of religion in this country. If all of you are so serious about envangelizing and spreading the good news, get out of this thread and share the holy word. Dili lang sige lalis, tinubagay. Samok au!

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