dont legalize abortion. im pro education. educate the people instead...
dont legalize abortion. im pro education. educate the people instead...
This is just what bothers me with abortion... its like saying " nak, i'm going to kill you ha, cause maglisud man ta kung naa ka... no hard feelings...hihihi..." kung musugot tag abortion, why not mosugot lang sad ta ug patay sa kaugalingong anak kung magkalisud ta sa kinabuhi.... "nak, lisud naman gyud ta karon ui...dili maka tiwas c kuya nimu sa college kay na lay off man c papa...patyon nalang tika ha...." whats the difference of killing a fetus and killing a child? regardless of how the fetus is conceived, the moment the heart beats, life is formed.... is there a license to kill you? i bet not...let the unborn have their chance.... their lives ahead may be sad...but who are we to predict? do we terminate life because of the possibility magkalisu unya sila? Who made us the arbiters of who lives and dies? did the fetus commit a heinous crime to warrant a death penalty? maypa ang criminal kay madepensaan pa nya iya kaugalingon...ang fetus intawn helpless kaau....
for me, i would say YES, BUT dapat e control ang pag gamit ani nga method, dapat naay age limit, and dapat naay authority sa obgyne...
umm naglibog sab ko ani...naay certain scenario na agree ko naay sab dili.....siguro approved ko if nabuntis sa pamaagi sa rape or mga case na in ani...
kung rape gani unya naay bata nga ma form, ipa adopt na lng...
No to abortion.
YES to contraceptives.
Logically speaking... if there is no conception... there is nothing to abort. Educate the masses! PASS THE RH BILL!
Poll question is obviously misleading... such a terrible attempt at trying to equate RHB to Abortion... shame shame.
We all know abortion is wrong... but the RHB is another issue altogether... please mga Pro-life.. stop spreading misinformation.
Why don't they just make another way? that's their Job, to make Laws which we can not do or don't know. Kani kay kahibalo man ta. pastilan ang kwarta.
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