^^ oks ra na Charmz so long as naka budget ka kay kung wala ka budget lisud mag hocus pocus and rely on your mind to estimate your living expenses you need to really write it down and see those figures for yourself and how it looks like then be realistic about your expenses too. Those one time occurrence like paying school for exam actually puede na nimo e set aside few months before the actual event pahinay hinay nga set aside kaysa kuhaon nimo na from one of your check within the month and its going to affect all your other expenses for the month. So preplan ahead kung naa ka mga bayrunon nga one time lang give yourself few months to save up on it if needed para dili ma apektuhan ang uban nimo nga bills or your monthly fixed expenses. Crediit cards if you have them, you only need one not many. That is still utang sooner or later you'll have to pay so if you have cash, use cash instead of credit cards.