Originally Posted by
i don't see any value with this information... why
what if somebody posted me on a yahoo group that i am a RAPIST and with a very detailed story that sounds convincing.....
Then it gets posted in istorya.net just to give a heads-up to all the women....
let them settle the issue... all we are getting is information that favors one from another......... in other words not impartial....
2 sides to a coin.... thats the rule.... impartiality.... who has corroborated with this vince.... how many drums have the drummer smashed....
i agree with koto.........
The problem is... the convincing story that vinci elaborated on is true... even Cueshe's drummer himself acknowledged that he left the heads dented.... He even gave his PA the money to compensate Vinci (sadly his PA ran away with his dough - or so he said) .... He even had his PA give VINCE his contact info on how to reach him (only to leave Vince hanging)... unya mo sulti ka nga himo himo ra ang storya? are you even reading the posts here dude?
How many drums has the drummer smashed? I don't know... where not talking about smashing drums here... we're talking about denting drumheads.. or you failed to read that part as well. SATI's drummer already made a comment about CUESHE's drummer and said that this serves a fair warning... Dagget, are you questioning CUJO's credibility then?
You agree with Koto and I bet Koto would agree with you as well ...
Like I said, this thread serves as a warning to those who brings their "OWN" equipments to gigs.... I never claimed that I stand neutral on this issue... I already voiced my opinion ON THE SECOND POST ON THIS THREAD ....