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  1. #171

    Default OFF TOPIC for geeks (trial phase)

    Quote Originally Posted by Visual C#
    hey guys is a temperature of 66 degrees celsius not good for a 6600 gt? Can I cook rice or something on it?
    not rice, pero egg pwede na lol

  2. #172

    Default OFF TOPIC for geeks (trial phase)

    Weird!! THG has an article featuring the AMD processors from the duron to athlon64:

    the epox mobo shown caught my attention (56k people very huge pic)

    oh yeah pulled this one from another forum.

    talk about letting ur rig fly!!!!!!!!!!

    another shot!!!

    ONE MORE!!!! pulled from some website i found in the net.

    Intel Fanboys Dont Kill Me!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #173

    Default OFF TOPIC for geeks (trial phase)

    Quote Originally Posted by StyM
    mao ni...
    nag tsamba2x lang ko.


    bunga sa way gibuhat... mao ako gi try og solve.

  4. #174

    Default OFF TOPIC for geeks (trial phase)

    funny read :

    * bitchchecker ( Quit (Ping timeout#)
    * bitchchecker ( has joined #stopHipHop
    <bitchchecker> why do you kick me
    <bitchchecker> can't you discus normally
    <bitchchecker> answer!
    <Elch> we didn't kick you
    <Elch> you had a ping timeout: * bitchchecker ( Quit (Ping timeout#)
    <bitchchecker> what ping man
    <bitchchecker> the timing of my pc is right
    <bitchchecker> i even have dst
    <bitchchecker> you banned me
    <bitchchecker> amit it you son of a bitch
    <HopperHunter|afk> LOL
    <HopperHunter|afk> shit you're stupid, DST^^
    <bitchchecker> shut your mouth WE HAVE DST!
    <bitchchecker> for two weaks already
    <bitchchecker> when you start your pc there is a message from windows that DST is applied.
    <Elch> You're a real computer expert
    <bitchchecker> shut up i hack you
    <Elch> ok, i'm quiet, hope you don't show us how good a hacker you are ^^
    <bitchchecker> tell me your network number man then you're dead
    <Elch> Eh, it's
    <Elch> or maybe
    <Elch> yes exactly that's it: I'm waiting for you great attack
    <bitchchecker> in five minutes your hard drive is deleted
    <Elch> Now I'm frightened
    <bitchchecker> shut up you'll be gone
    <bitchchecker> i have a program where i enter your ip and you're dead
    <bitchchecker> say goodbye
    <Elch> to whom?
    <bitchchecker> to you man
    <bitchchecker> buy buy
    <Elch> I'm shivering thinking about such great Hack0rs like you
    * bitchchecker ( Quit (Ping timeout#)

  5. #175

    Default OFF TOPIC for geeks (trial phase)

    nindot na ang amd na logo sa intel na badge heheh
    pero naa ko nakit-an ato sa una intel na logo gikan sa laptop sa ako migo dala daw to gikan sa japan instead na intel inside ang naka butang kay intel in it. hehehehe

  6. #176

    Default OFF TOPIC for geeks (trial phase)


  7. #177

    Default OFF TOPIC for geeks (trial phase)

    An office mate sent me this e-mail:


    Don't delete this because it looks weird. Believe it or not you can read it

    I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to rscheearch taem at Cmabrigde Uinervt! isy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Such a cdonition is arppoiately cllaed Typoglycemia -

    Amzanig huh? Yaeh and yuo awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt.

    Just wanted to add


  8. #178

    Default OFF TOPIC for geeks (trial phase)

    There were x-wings in World War 2?

    Here something real weird.

  9. #179

    Default OFF TOPIC for geeks (trial phase)

    Mao ni ang nag patay ni JFK...

  10. #180

    Default OFF TOPIC for geeks (trial phase)

    Quote Originally Posted by grss1982
    There were x-wings in World War 2?
    hahaha...a bet Wedge Antillles served in the war too...

  11.    Advertisement

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