The question is can you pray to the Saints? Catholics truly honor the saints in prayer and adoration. It is just a practice much like others being a christian, a baptist, protestant, muslim, whatever. Honoring Saints is part of the catholic practice. However, that does not mean you shall bypass God and honor the Saints as your God. Saints act as intermediary between God and man in the catholic practice but it doesn't mean to say that they bypass God. When catholics adore their favorite saints, it just means to say that they are confident their prayers will be heard because Saints are closer to God so because they are closer to God, it means that your prayers are all the more stronger because the saints will pray to God for you and your prayers will be answered granted that you remain in a state of grace. There is only one God. It doesn't matter how you approach God what matters is that you are growing in your faith and you have your own personal relationship with God. Praying to the Saints helps you become closer to God through them. Anything that brings you closer to Jesus, to God is good. So there is nothing wrong with praying to the saints because the intent is to bring you closer to God.