Granted, it was a dicky move by Celdran, but I think he knew what he was signing up for.
whatever makes your day. I know how many I asked, the manner on how I asked, and what response I got.
Feel free to continue your speculation. I stated my point.
Respect is EARNED, not GIVEN. Nuff said.
And for me, the "Church" has not earned it. Not 1 percent of it.
Yes, he DID shout before he left.
Now, let's have the situation:
If I disrupt the mass and SILENTLY wave a placard with the words "WHORE" in the middle of the mass, in front of the priest and the congregation, at the funeral of your mother, OK ra nimo?
Will you also protect my "right" to do that the way you protect Carlos Celdran?
sakto man sad siya dapat di mag apil2 ang simbahan sa politika. klaro anang naa sa bible.ahaha.
While there is thin line separating religion and politics.
But we follow Rule of Law!
It was never written in the bibile that Politics & Religion must be separated... Modern era, did it. And I uphold this separation between the two...
I might be wrong though...
And if what you meant is that what Celdran did is biblical, then what kind of society we will have if we continue to praise this kind of acts...
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