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  1. #161

    @kenites: perfect design ang universe bai oi... the alignment of the planets for example... Earth's distance from the sun is meticulously positioned in such a way that it could support life... sa akong nabasahan... any slight variance in the Earth's position to the sun would make life on Earth impossible... that for me is an example of a perfect design... and all other heavenly objects in our universe are there for a reason...

    as ive said... it is all about logic... and not believing in God... that there is no artist behind all of these... is against acceptable logic... my opinion...

  2. #162
    C.I.A. FAQ's Avatar
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    Too many people who haven't studied evolution, the "theory of evolution" simply says that evolution has happened. That's why creationists like robert_papalid_ece say "It's just a theory" because he thinks the theory of evolution has been proven. That's not what the theory of evolution says at all. To sort this mess out, we need to take a look at the scientific definitions of "fact" and "theory".

    In science, a fact is simply a data point, something that has been observed and catalogued. For example, you could say that gravity is a fact because when you let something go, you can observe it falling to the ground. If the object is acting under the influence of gravity alone, it falls to the ground every single time. It NEVER falls up. This is what makes gravity a fact. It is observable and universally true.

    So is evolution! They have observed evolution, both in the laboratory and in nature. Now some people who don't want evolution to be true will tell you that we haven't ever observed evolution, or that we've only seen microevolution not macroevolution. These people are wrong. There's really no other way to say it. They want you to think that microevolution and macroevolution are somehow two different things, and that one can happen while the other can't. They don't want you to know that micro and macroevolution are just two different ways of looking at the SAME THING. Beware creationist lies.

    A scientific theory is quite different from a fact. A theory doesn't say THAT something happens, but attempts to explain HOW something happens. For example, the theory of gravity doesn't say THAT gravity happens (we can see that much without any theory), but attempts to explain HOW gravity happens: why do all massive objects exert a gravitational pull on each other? That's what the theory of gravity seeks to answer.

    The theory of evolution doesn't say that evolution happens - that much is accepted as fact by almost all scientist - but attempts to explain HOW evolution happens. That's what creationists don't get. They're trying to discredit the theory of evolution, but even if they somehow manage to do that, it doesn't change the fact that evolution is a scientific reality.

    Can a theory ever be proven? No. Unfortunately, many people think that the reality of evolution means the theory has been proven. That's not the case. The explanation about HOW evolution occurs can never be proven, just as NO SCIENTIFIC THEORY CAN BE PROVEN! You can accumulate evidence to support a particular theory, but there must always be the possibility of falsification. The theory of evolution could be falsified if we found some example of evolution that is not occurring in the way that we think it does. Again, even if the THEORY were falsified, that doesn't mean that evolution isn't happening. It just means we're back to the drawing board to figure out HOW.

    So when you ask "Is evolution real?" the answer is yes. It's been observed and catalogued. It is a fact.

    When people say "It's just a theory", they are showing ignorance regarding what the word "theory" means to scientists.

    And when people say "The theory has been proven", they're ALSO showing ignorance regarding what the word "theory" means to scientists.

  3. #163
    evolution was introduced to me when i was still in high school and read about it in some books and saw some documentaries regarding this theory... but i need not study all the details considering that i am firm believer of God... and for me... it would be a total waste of time...

    From Merriam-Webster, "theory" is defined as:
    6 a : a hypothesis assumed for the sake of argument or investigation b : an unproved assumption : conjecture c : a body of theorems presenting a concise systematic view of a subject <theory of equations>
    it is an unproved "assumption"... and yes it "tries" to explain how things happend blah blah... but it isn't proven yet... evolution may be observed in "other species"... but to say that evolution as well happened to humans... is still an issue...

    and yes theory "attempts to explain HOW something happens"... but it contradicts with other beliefs... diha na ta nagkaproblema...

    also, gravity isn't a theory bru... it's an insult to Isaac Newton if you say so... it is the Law of Gravity... and of course i believe in that... it is part of God's creation/design...

    "Can a theory be ever proven?" yes of course... if scientists would just be able to find solid evidences and accurate to support their ideas... then that theory will then be accepted as a fact and may become a law...

  4. #164
    evolution is a total waste of time if you choose to remain close-minded about the subject. i just find it amusing how one can ignore the facts and thus resort to the GOD argument. fact of the matter is, you don't know GOD any more than evolutionists/scientists, and the rest of us do. GOD only exist in scriptures. nobody has seen him, maybe felt him, but the feeling too can be explained scientifically (psychology, etc).

    and no, Einstein did not believe in GOD. he said:

    “It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it.”

  5. #165
    Yes Einstein do not believe in a personal God (Jesus Christ). He's a Theist..

  6. #166
    - mo go ko sa bible coz not all things can be explain by science..

  7. #167
    Quote Originally Posted by FAQ View Post
    Too many people who haven't studied evolution, the "theory of evolution" simply says that evolution has happened. That's why creationists like robert_papalid_ece say "It's just a theory" because he thinks the theory of evolution has been proven. That's not what the theory of evolution says at all. To sort this mess out, we need to take a look at the scientific definitions of "fact" and "theory".

    In science, a fact is simply a data point, something that has been observed and catalogued. For example, you could say that gravity is a fact because when you let something go, you can observe it falling to the ground. If the object is acting under the influence of gravity alone, it falls to the ground every single time. It NEVER falls up. This is what makes gravity a fact. It is observable and universally true.

    So is evolution! They have observed evolution, both in the laboratory and in nature. Now some people who don't want evolution to be true will tell you that we haven't ever observed evolution, or that we've only seen microevolution not macroevolution. These people are wrong. There's really no other way to say it. They want you to think that microevolution and macroevolution are somehow two different things, and that one can happen while the other can't. They don't want you to know that micro and macroevolution are just two different ways of looking at the SAME THING. Beware creationist lies.

    A scientific theory is quite different from a fact. A theory doesn't say THAT something happens, but attempts to explain HOW something happens. For example, the theory of gravity doesn't say THAT gravity happens (we can see that much without any theory), but attempts to explain HOW gravity happens: why do all massive objects exert a gravitational pull on each other? That's what the theory of gravity seeks to answer.

    The theory of evolution doesn't say that evolution happens - that much is accepted as fact by almost all scientist - but attempts to explain HOW evolution happens. That's what creationists don't get. They're trying to discredit the theory of evolution, but even if they somehow manage to do that, it doesn't change the fact that evolution is a scientific reality.

    Can a theory ever be proven? No. Unfortunately, many people think that the reality of evolution means the theory has been proven. That's not the case. The explanation about HOW evolution occurs can never be proven, just as NO SCIENTIFIC THEORY CAN BE PROVEN! You can accumulate evidence to support a particular theory, but there must always be the possibility of falsification. The theory of evolution could be falsified if we found some example of evolution that is not occurring in the way that we think it does. Again, even if the THEORY were falsified, that doesn't mean that evolution isn't happening. It just means we're back to the drawing board to figure out HOW.

    So when you ask "Is evolution real?" the answer is yes. It's been observed and catalogued. It is a fact.

    When people say "It's just a theory", they are showing ignorance regarding what the word "theory" means to scientists.

    And when people say "The theory has been proven", they're ALSO showing ignorance regarding what the word "theory" means to scientists.
    Brilliant, FAQ! Salamat kaayo for putting those thoughts eloquently into words. It's high time somebody clarified the term "scientific theory". It's quite good, actually. In fact, I've saved a copy of this post for my reference...for quick quotes, in case I need to explain what a scientific theory is in the future. It also made me re-checked my previous posts to see if I've stated anything like "the theory has been proven." Whew! may gani wala.

    Also, nice heads up, chad_tukes, for setting the record straight on Einstein's views about God. However, he did made statements that were liable to be misinterpreted. As such, we've seen apologists who try to conscript Einstein to their religious camps by wrongly misinterpreting his quotes. For example, he gave this statement to Time magazine explaining this belief that man could not understand the nature of God:

    I'm not an atheist. I don't think I can call myself a pantheist. The problem involved is too vast for our limited minds. We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangement of the books but doesn't know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God. We see the universe marvelously arranged and obeying certain laws but only dimly understand these laws.

    and then years later, he clarified his stance....

    The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this. These interpretations are highly manifold according to their nature and have almost nothing to do with the original text. For me the Jewish religion like all other religions is an incarnation of the most childish superstitions. And the Jewish people to whom I gladly belong and with whose mentality I have a deep affinity have no different quality for me than all other people. As far as my experience goes, they are also no better than other human groups, although they are protected from the worst cancers by a lack of power. Otherwise I cannot see anything 'chosen' about them.

    Clearly, when Einstein used the word "God", he seemed to be referring to it in a metaphorical when he commented on the weirdness of Quantum Mechanics with this famous quote: "God doesn't play dice with the universe." The reason he said this was because he believed that the universe is predictable and can be known. But, as far as the God in religion is concerned, he certainly made his position very clear.

  8. #168
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    You seem to think THEORY is just a matter of opinion. It's not. Its about hard facts and evidences about how the world works. And making claims about god is making a claim about a fact about the world. As I said before, in science -- a fact is simply a data point, something that has been observed and catalogued. Even if "GOD" tells me that he is the creator of the world, he would need to prove it like everyone else.

    I think you're forgetting one thing: have you ever seen GOD? Witnessed him do something awesome? I seen physics do some awesome shit like a meteor descent and I can easily think about it and explain to myself what just went down.

    Forget the dinosaurs and think about this: if we were created by "GOD" in the most complete, ideal biological form and with no more need for development, how did technology progress? Funny that you live by a medieval Bible for moral and scientific guidance yet you take full advantage of modern medicine, communication, electronics, transport, and other benefits to get by. How pathetic.

    Ok, because you are discrediting evolution, why don't you give us some proofs that GOD is the creator of the universe. Such as:

    1. provide verifiable empirical evidence for your particular god's existence among the literally millions of gods in the tens of thousands different religions today.
    2. provide verifiable empirical evidence, supported by pertinent observations, experiments and calculations which provide detailed rigorous accounts for the biblic creation.

    If you can't, all you have are invalid assertions based in a bronze age myth and your own subjective feelings, which lack all evidence value.
    Last edited by FAQ; 05-20-2010 at 02:32 PM. Reason: to make things clear ;)

  9. #169
    one thing is for sure guyz. .

    the Church is really preventing Charles Darwin's Theory to be a Law. .

    Cuz for sure by that time GOD's existence will be Questioned. .

    i think may of us is A Catholic but their are many people out there that are trying to break what the Catholics are Believing for. .

    " god exist ". . .


  10. #170
    @Robert---- bai Robert bibo jud ta dre kay dili jud ta manga human

    Mao lang pud ni ako matubag sa imo regarding sa perfect design..
    There was a time before that our planet has no life at all and there will be a time in the future that this will happen again..a time nga mamatay ato sun thus patay pud life sa earth...And what about the asteroid belt..wala na lang unta na sya coz asteroids is a real threat jud sa ato earth and can hit us anytime and it happened before nah..

    I'll give na lang ang link para dili na motaas
    about some imperfection in our world
    YouTube - God's Cool Designs


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