Hehehehe, kinsa diay ang gi hi-blood, day?
Oh, and I'm not disappointed that you're not related, actually it proves my point that you're just shooting your mouth off based on what you read on the papers... :mrgreen: As for me, I have 3 good friends who were there with him in Manila when it happened... I have no reason to doubt what they have told me, as they have no motive whatsoever to lie... But I'm sure you're gonna say that doesnt count, etc... so play it again, Sam...
Point to ponder: Maybe you should read more on this case before shooting your mouth off again...
"More than 35 witnesses composed of Paco’s teachers and classmates at the Center for Culinary Arts (CCA) in Quezon City testified under oath that he was in Metro Manila, another city, when the crime is said to have taken place in Cebu.
However, the trial court considered these testimonies as irrelevant."
sound fishy...? maybe not to you...
as for you being perfect, well, its the "perfect" people that always cast the first stone. Since you've been casting left, right, and center, i assumed you were "perfect", but i guess i was mistaken...
hehehe, i understood what you meant about the tough luck comment day. It is you who misunderstood mine. When i said "tough luck to you too", I meant it as "what goes around, comes around" or "what you sow you reap", so when you say "tough luck" to other people's situations, i say tough luck to yours too... Fair, isnt it...?
Talking about FAIRNESS, I hope some people will not bring in their 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th accounts into this debate... )
hahahaha, the thing about your son blah blah blah is OT and has nothing to do with the discussion, but maybe you and your son have been misunderstanding what people have been telling you here, that's why you get all fired up and nearing a stroke... hehehe, it's all good, day, take it easy... :mrgreen:
Anyhow, you still haven't answered my question about your comment:
I have to disagree with you there, since i think that INNOCENCE IS THE ONLY POINT, and justice should only be based on it...
You CANNOT have an innocent man pay for a crime he did not commit, just because the mother of the victim wants justice...