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Results 161 to 170 of 751
  1. #161

    Default Re: Betta Splendens a.k.a Siamese Fighting Fish

    Quote Originally Posted by markykoi
    sir the goods, nag lisod man ko pangita bayi.. asa na dapit paliton? mostly laki man baligya...or dili lang jud ko kamao mu distinguish sa bayi ug laki. hehehehe
    Nia ma timingan sa Magallanes bai duol sa chekito bazaar... Nia pud sa riverfront pero in bad shape jud lage, maau kung mka timing ka niay bag-o stock abot. Pwde man pud ka magpadala sa riverfront. Gapadala ko saona ug female nga crowntail nila pag una... Swerte2x usahay kung niay female... Saon nga d man kaau na cla mamaligya mark ky business strat na nla...

  2. #162

    Default Re: Betta Splendens a.k.a Siamese Fighting Fish

    yep, business strategy. sige lang. maka timing pa diay ko.hehehe thanks sir the goods.
    musta na ang fries? let me know ha if naa kay bayi? hehehehe thanks.

  3. #163

    Default Re: Betta Splendens a.k.a Siamese Fighting Fish

    Quote Originally Posted by markykoi
    yep, business strategy. sige lang. maka timing pa diay ko.hehehe thanks sir the goods.
    musta na ang fries? let me know ha if naa kay bayi? hehehehe thanks.
    The fries are doing great... been feeding them with infosurias and egg yolk... Getting bigger by the day...

    BTW nia ko nakit-an daghan fermales ganiha sa Magallanes, they were egg bound but in POOR condition... Nia pa jud ich... Mao to ila g baligya ky dagko to nga females then lisod ma breed... D jud ko musalig isda diha Magallanes oi... E sagol2x ra ug tank, stressed kau mga isda, mag sagol2x sakit unya ma lower ang immune system...

    Don't worry if ever these fries reach adulthood, I'll give you an extra female so that you can start breeding your own lines...

  4. #164

    Default Re: Betta Splendens a.k.a Siamese Fighting Fish

    Quote Originally Posted by The Good$!!!
    The fries are doing great... been feeding them with infosurias and egg yolk... Getting bigger by the day...

    BTW nia ko nakit-an daghan fermales ganiha sa Magallanes, they were egg bound but in POOR condition... Nia pa jud ich... Mao to ila g baligya ky dagko to nga females then lisod ma breed... D jud ko musalig isda diha Magallanes oi... E sagol2x ra ug tank, stressed kau mga isda, mag sagol2x sakit unya ma lower ang immune system...

    Don't worry if ever these fries reach adulthood, I'll give you an extra female so that you can start breeding your own lines...
    i agree with you diha sa magallanes..ngilad man gani sila non aquatic plants...jeez. kita man ilaron!hehehe
    yey! thanks..sige, kay basin makatabang sad ko nimu sa imung proposed planted tank!

    go betta!!! thanks bro.

  5. #165

    Default Re: Betta Splendens a.k.a Siamese Fighting Fish

    Quote Originally Posted by markykoi
    i agree with you diha sa magallanes..ngilad man gani sila non aquatic plants...jeez. kita man ilaron!hehehe
    yey! thanks..sige, kay basin makatabang sad ko nimu sa imung proposed planted tank!

    go betta!!! thanks bro.
    KK bai thanks pud nimo in advance hehehe...

    Bisita2x lang ko sa isda forum mark, murag kaw naman newly crowned master didto hehehehe...

  6. #166

    Default Re: Betta Splendens a.k.a Siamese Fighting Fish

    juvies lang hehehehheheh ayaw lang adult nga adult jud kau heheheheheheheheheh update nya sa fries ug pics after 1 week then update nasad after 1 week para makabaw sad me sa size or sa growth per week nila !


  7. #167

    Default Re: Betta Splendens a.k.a Siamese Fighting Fish

    Quote Originally Posted by mordarts
    juvies lang hehehehheheh ayaw lang adult nga adult jud kau heheheheheheheheheh update nya sa fries ug pics after 1 week then update nasad after 1 week para makabaw sad me sa size or sa growth per week nila !


    Sure bai... hehehehe no problem...

    Kaw musta? Nia nka Bettas?

  8. #168

    Default Re: Betta Splendens a.k.a Siamese Fighting Fish

    Quote Originally Posted by The Good$!!!
    KK bai thanks pud nimo in advance hehehe...

    Bisita2x lang ko sa isda forum mark, murag kaw naman newly crowned master didto hehehehe...
    dili ko master oi..hahaha

    ok, bisita lang didto. feel free to ask anything didto. pangitaan nato tubag.hehhe

  9. #169

    Default Re: Betta Splendens a.k.a Siamese Fighting Fish

    My first impression was one of surprise that fish nick-named "Siamese Fighting Fish" could be so gentle with each other. When first released, the spawning pair of Red Halfmoons were inseparable. If one wandered off, the other quickly sought him or her out.

    This surprise was followed by helpless dread as the courtship turned ugly. The male began tearing at the females fins until they looked half gone. I feared for her life, and the loss of hundreds of unborn fry.

    Amazement! All of a sudden the female started following the male back to the bubblenest in spite of his treatment. She nips him, demanding attention. They embrace, eggs swirl and fall, he raced to save them, back to the nest, to his bride... over and over again. Exhausting, relentless, on and on. Amazing!

    Relief... it's over. The female retreats, exhausted, to the safety of the plants. The male's face hardens with determination as he hovers below the nest; prodding, fanning, adding bubbles, nursing the brood.

    I find my feet carrying me back to the fish corner every hour. I must check the nest, try to estimate how many eggs it holds, worry that the male will eat them. I force myself away to work that needs to be done. I forget about it and let my feet take me back to the spawning tank. I start counting eggs again.

    Time drags. a day passes and it looks like there are fewer eggs in the nest. Quiet fear whispers at me that none of the eggs are alive and the male's eating them. Perhaps some will survive. Perhaps...

    FRY! They made it! I stare transfixed as almost invisible specks with tales fall from the nest. There's just a few but they glow with the promise of new life. Another falls. And still another. The bottom of the tank becomes crowded with tailed specks. Enchantment fills my heart...

    ...quickly followed by panic. They're not moving. The father tries blowing them into the nest but can't do it. The same fry is forcing into the nest, falls, is grabbed, blown, falls, grabbed again, on, and on and on. Half an hour drags by and the male still hasn't gotten the fry to stay in the nest. He's killing it with over attention. Finally it happens... something tells the male the fry is dead. He picks it up one last time with his mouth; it doesn't come out. He starts swimming down to the hundred helpless fry laying on the bottom. What to do? I reread the books, check websites, can't find an answer. I feel helpless, alone. Another fry goes into his mouth. I have to do something but I need to trust and see if my male can do it. After countless hours of tirelessly retreiving his beloved fries, he finally managed to settle his brood. By day three I know that the time has come for daddy to bid his offsprings good-bye since they would be free swimming by then. After a hard separation, I finally net him. He seems to tell me, " I told you so to trust me, I have done my part, I now leave my beloved fries for you to take care of. If you fail me I'm never cooperating with you again."

    I watched as six hours drag by. The fries ignore the nest and continues to spiral down to the bottom of the tank in their attempt to learn how to swim just as a baby learns to walk. Determined, some make short spurting jumps toward the surface then drift back down as motionless as death. I worried that I took the male out too soon. A day has passed. The egg yokes have been absorbed now and the fry looked smaller. They are supposed to have started to swim by now. I spend hours at the tank watching, waiting. Then I spot one swimming horizontally! Relief washes over me. They're going to make it.

    A week later I have countless fry and feel lucky and proud. They spend most of their time laying on the bottom of the tank but as their rounded bellies give proof, they're swimming well enough to catch food. I feed them too much but can't help wanting to make sure that they have as much as they want. I still have the problem with my feet leading me back to the tank several dozen times a day, but I don't mind anymore. I study each fry that comes close and wonder if it will be a beauty. The big one in the back corner, could he be a half-moon? The little one off to the right, perhaps the mother of a future champions. I wait, and wonder, and smile.

  10. #170

    Default Re: Betta Splendens a.k.a Siamese Fighting Fish

    wow! blogger! up ko ani.. nindot kaayo pag ka himu ni master The Good$!!!

    Thanks for sharing your experience bro.

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