View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1681

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Get your facts straight. Tne Constitution guarantees FREEDOM OF RELIGION. That means the state cannot interfere in the free exercise of religion.

    However, there is NOTHING in the Philippine constitution that prohibits the Church from getting involved in social and political issues, especially those issues that involve life and death matters. These are, of course. MORAL issues. The Church has every right -- and duty -- to be involved in these issues.

    You are entitled to your own opinions, but the Constitution is more important than your opinion. We all must follow the Constitution. Its provisions are binding on all Filipinos. But we can always ignore your opinion.

    More info on abstinence and purity at
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    Please sign the online petition AGAINST the Reproductive Health/Abortion Bill (HB5043)
    No to Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043) Petition

    freedom of religion includes freedom to reject religion.

    ---"a union of church and state tends to destroy government and to degrade religion"---

    the rh bill is a purely secular matter and not a religious matter... give to Caesar what is due to Caesar

  2. #1682
    Quote Originally Posted by darkraven View Post
    abortion? big NO.
    Family Planning? yes, artificial or natural method...

    why equate RH Bill with Abortion?
    life is not created when the sperm doesn't reach the egg - scientific fact.
    so, scientifically, theres no abortion in taking pills, or using a condom...
    I sooo totally agree with this statement... You can choose to be responsible even before the act.. But getting rid of the result after the act is another story...

    and Nerry Soon Ruiz as a mother and a doctor should look at this at all angles. I can't believe that she went this far...

  3. #1683
    I'd say for Nerry, its all about the MOney.

  4. #1684
    Abortion kills both the soul..

  5. #1685
    I smell bigotry here . . .

    yes to contraceptive . . .

    anti RH bill people s@cks . . . they cant imagine how to be poor
    some very poor youth / children blame their parents for bringing them to this world
    that they cant even support their basic needs . . .

  6. #1686
    Quote Originally Posted by darkraven View Post
    life is not created when the sperm doesn't reach the egg - scientific fact.
    so, scientifically, theres no abortion in taking pills, or using a condom...
    It is true that when rthe sperm dpesn't reach the egg (when there is no fertilization) there is nothing to abort.

    But the SCIENTIFIC FACT is that contraceptives DO allow the sperm to reach the egg because contraceptives are not 100% effective. In fact, with most pills, ovulation is NOT prevented as much as 60% of the time. So it is very possible for the sperm to reach the egg and fertilize the egg even when contraceptives are used correctly and consistently.

    When this happens, all hormonal contraceptives and IUDS have a BACKUP MECHANISM -- THEY PREVENT THE FERTILIZED EGG FROM IMPLANTING IN THE URERUS. With nowhere to implant, the fertilizefd egg 9which is already a human being) is eventually destroyed. This is an early-term CHEMICAL ABORTION.

    All contraceptive pills, IUDs, implantables, injectab;les and "emergency" contraceptives can prevent the implkantation of the fertilized egg. It is estimated that oral contraceptives (pills) do this at least once in 77 cycles, So for every 77 women using the pill, at least one abortion occurs each month.


    I think we all have to learn how abortifacient contraceptives really work. Many people still are not aware of the scientific fact that many contraceptives can cause abortions.

    I have posted the evidence proving the existence of abportifacient contraceptives this many times. A link to the compiled evidence is at:

    The SCIENTIFIC evidence is clear. Such contraceptives are abortifacient. And since the RH/Abortion Bill (HB 5043) explicitly funds and forces the distributiion of these abortifacient contraceptives, then the bill should be seen as an ABORTION BILL.

    This is a scientific fact, not a religious one.

    Quote Originally Posted by high_heels
    and Nerry Soon Ruiz as a mother and a doctor should look at this at all angles. I can't believe that she went this far
    Yes. That's another reason why people should NOT vote for Neri Soon-Ruiz and the other authors of the RH/Abortion Bill. Vote for pro-life candidates instead when possible!



    Please sign the petition AGAINST the RH/Abortion Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 05-01-2010 at 06:48 PM.

  7. #1687

  8. #1688
    abortion is murder ... period.

  9. #1689
    ayaw intawon ug i legalize ang abortion instead i penalize ang mag pa abort

  10. #1690
    this topic is sickening...

    like unsa man choice daw sa uban beh?

    mao gani gi abort gay di kaya buhion?...

    maao ra kaau mo mohisogot evil this, evil that.. but let me ask you this..

    kinsa man mosupport sa unwanted child? immediate family? government?.. hell yeah.. di baya saun magbuhi bata.. kamo? ganahan ba mo mu buhi sa di ninu anak? mosugot mo nga inyu taxes gamiton ra para sa sayup sa uban tao?

    abortion is murder,evil,bad, etc.. but there are instances it is a NECESSITY.. there is also overpopulation we have to contend with.. (i hope you dont mistake overcrowding with overpopulation, i expect you people are smarter than that)

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