View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1671

    Default What is the Role of the Church in the RH Bill?

    wa diay gihapon ni nahuman? RH Bill is not an abortion bill. The bill even explicitly treats abortion as a crime. But unfortunately, there are some unknown (and known) forces that tries to equate this bill as an abortion bill. A big testament to that is forcing the RH Bill topic into this "legalize abortion?" thread in order to mislead a lot of people!

    As if abortion and abortifacients are part of the RH Bill to which are actually not!

    As if they're saying that using medically and legally approved birth control pills is tantamount to abortion, using condoms (to your wife) is wrong and you go to hell. as if to say that the only way to go is the only church-approved natural family planning and ditch the artificial means of family planning? Geesh! what non-sense!

    People, the RH Bill is a rights-based health bill and the Phils. is the only and last predominantly Catholic country to have none of it (yet).

    Try to help distribute free condoms to your barangay and you will know those who are "praning", holier-than-thou, and tunnel-visioned.

    Those who are in support of the RH Bill are unjustly and indiscriminately labeled as pro-abortion and mercenaries of death.

    There is a verifiable correlation between poverty and family size. The more family size increases, poverty incidence/gap/vulnerability tends to increase. It is a statistical fact and dili nani angay lalison pa bsan pa cardinal pa ka diha! That's how and why "family planning" was born to be! And YES, nowadays, age-appropriate s3x education (or to put it more politically correct, "reproductive health education") helps!

    Gibo and Noynoy used to be strong advocates of the RH Bill. What happened now? Everybody knows how the story went...

    Last edited by giddyboy; 04-26-2010 at 06:39 PM.

  2. #1672
    Quote Originally Posted by giddyboy
    The bill even explicitly treats abortion as a crime.
    You're repeating the same deception all over again. We all know that the RH/Abortion Bill may not explicitly allow SURGICAL abortion, but it actually promotes CHEMICAL abortion through ABORTIFACIENT CONTRACEPTIVES.

    Of course liars will try to pretend such abortiofacient contracept5ives don't exist, but the scientific evide3nce says otherwise.

    Here is some of the evidence. It has been posted many times before but unfortunately the pro-aborts continue to ignore the scientific evidence.

    • Postfertilization Effects of Oral Contraceptives and Their Relationship to Informed Consent

      “It seems likely that for perfect use of COCs, postfertilization mechanisms would
      be likely to have a small but not negligible role. For POPs, COCs with lower
      doses of estrogen, and imperfect use of any OCs, postfertilization effects are
      likely to have an increased role. In any case, the medical
      literature does not support the hypothesis that
      postfertilization effects of OCs do not exist.
    • The Physicians' Prescribing information for Yaz and Yasmin, two oral contraceptives

      Combination oral contraceptives (COCs) act by suppression of gonadotropins.
      Although the primary mechanism of this action is inhibition of ovulation,
      other alterations include changes in the cervical mucus (which increases the/QUOTE]
      difficulty of sperm entry into the uterus) and the endometrium (which reduces
      the likelihood of implantation
    • Do Contraceptive Pills cause Abortion?
      By Patrick McCrystal MPSNI / MPSI

      One of the ways by which the 'pill' works is by;

      "...the rendering of the endometrium unreceptive to implantation" (1)

      Put simply this means a newly created embryo is not allowed to implant in its mother's womb. This action takes place after fertilisation (conception), ie after a new life has been created. Thus it can be termed abortifacient (2,3) or abortion-causing. Indeed, the medical literature suggests this abortion-causing mode of action does occur during 'pill' use (4,5,20). Every chemical contraceptive preparation involving pills, injections, implants and intrauterine devices have this mechanism present as an inherent part of their birth control action.

    • The Pill – How it works and fails.

      Q. So how do you prove that the pill acts as an abortifacient?

      A. The answer to this question can be found by comparing the rate of break-through ovulation and the detected pregnancy rate. The ovulation rate has been reported to be about 27 ovulations in 100 women using the pill for one year. But the detected pregnancy rate is much lower at around 4 pregnancies per 100 women using the pill for one year.

      As you can see, there is a big difference between the number of women who ovulation (27) and the number of detected pregnancies (4). What has happened within the woman’s body to reduce the high ovulation rate to such a low number of detected pregnancies? I suggest that one answer to this important question is that pregnancies have begun, because ovulation and fertilization have occurred, but some of these pregnancies are terminated because implantation cannot take place. The pill has damaged the lining of the womb, stopping implanation.
    • Mechanisms of action of intrauterine devices: update and estimation of postfertilization effects

      There are many potential mechanisms of action for the intrauterine device (IUD), which vary by type of IUD (inert, copper, or hormonal). This paper reviews the evidence for each potential mechanism of action. On the basis of available data for fertilization rates and clinical pregnancy rates, the relative contribution of mechanisms acting before or after fertilization were quantitatively estimated. These estimates indicate that, although prefertilization effects are more prominent for the copper IUD, both prefertilization and postfertilization mechanisms of action contribute significantly to the effectiveness of all types of intrauterine devices.
    • CVS/Pharmacy

      IUDs are thought to prevent pregnancy by making the womb ‘unfriendly’ to sperm and eggs. Sperm is either killed, or kept from reaching and fertilizing an egg. An IUD also may keep a fertilized egg from attaching to the womb and growing into a baby.

    • Mechanism of action of intrauterine contraceptive devices and its relation to informed consent

      The purposes of this review are to evaluate the available evidence for the mechanisms of action of copper-impregnated intrauterine contraceptive devices and to describe the informed consent consequences of those mechanisms. The medical literature was reviewed with the use of the Bioethics and Medline databases (1966 to present). Reports that supported or refuted the two major postulated mechanisms (interference with implantation of the fertilized ovum or spermicidal inhibition of fertilization) were assessed for their relative strength and support for the exclusivity of one or the other mechanism. The analysis of the evidence strongly suggests that the contraceptive effectiveness of intrauterine contraceptive devices is achieved by both a prefertilization spermicidal action and a postfertilization inhibition of uterine implantation. Patient informed consent for intrauterine contraceptive device insertion should include a discussion of these mechanisms of actions so as to avoid their use in patients with moral objections to postfertilization contraception.

    The evidence is clear. These contraceptives are abortifacient.


    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)

  3. #1673
    i dont know why the church like to meddle with affair of the states.. anyway... theres is alwasy FREEDOM FROM RELIGION...


    i think the catholic church should clean their backyard first before throwing the first stone..

  4. #1674

    Default Stop the RH/Abortion Bill (HB 5043)!

    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo View Post
    i dont know why the church like to meddle with affair of the states.. anyway... theres is alwasy FREEDOM FROM RELIGION...
    Get your facts straight. Tne Constitution guarantees FREEDOM OF RELIGION. That means the state cannot interfere in the free exercise of religion.

    However, there is NOTHING in the Philippine constitution that prohibits the Church from getting involved in social and political issues, especially those issues that involve life and death matters. These are, of course. MORAL issues. The Church has every right -- and duty -- to be involved in these issues.

    You are entitled to your own opinions, but the Constitution is more important than your opinion. We all must follow the Constitution. Its provisions are binding on all Filipinos. But we can always ignore your opinion.

    More info on abstinence and purity at
    True Love Waits Philippines


    Please sign the online petition AGAINST the Reproductive Health/Abortion Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 04-28-2010 at 05:34 PM.

  5. #1675
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post

    You are entitled to your own opinions, but the Constitution is more important than your opinion. We all must follow the Constitution. Its provisions are binding on all Filipinos. But we can always ignore your opinion.

    agree with you sir.. the constitution is more important than your opinion or that of your religion.. we all must follow the constitution.. its provisions are binding on all filipinos. but we can always ignore your opinion or that of your church leaders..

  6. #1676
    abortion is not a solution to rapid growth of population here, is only encourage the teenager to engage pre-marital ***(maybe), maybe the only thing we can make is to discipline ourselves, and have fear to our creator......

  7. #1677
    Quote Originally Posted by xqssmee View Post
    abortion is not a solution to rapid growth of population here, is only encourage the teenager to engage pre-marital ***(maybe), maybe the only thing we can make is to discipline ourselves, and have fear to our creator......
    agree.. but we have to first define what is discipline.. some people here would think of strict catholic dogmas while some would consider more liberal concepts...

    abortion should be avoided unless really really needed.. the best thing we could propbably do is to educate the people on modern methods.. besides.. abortion is not the only problem.. there is also HIV and other diseases...

    educated people are more likely to make better choices because they are more aware of the immediate risks/rewards.... but we also have to consider that there is a difference between education and brainwashing... so i support an unbiased (no religion) $exuality education and awareness program..

    we really have to stop abortion.. and at the same time.. we really have to do something about population problem

  8. #1678
    prevention is the cure... abortion should only be done if it is under the premise of health..

  9. #1679
    Abolutely and definetely its a BIG NO!! NO TO ABORTION!!

  10. #1680
    abortion? big NO.
    Family Planning? yes, artificial or natural method...

    why equate RH Bill with Abortion?
    life is not created when the sperm doesn't reach the egg - scientific fact.
    so, scientifically, theres no abortion in taking pills, or using a condom...

  11.    Advertisement

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