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I've actually been in the US for about 10+ years. I am a CPA and I have my own practice here in AZ doing audits, consulting and taxes.
Thanks all for the compliments, you pay to play thats for sure. Having no kids also helps LOL
CC3125: SVT's are not hard to find, but definitely still uncommon on the street. I also have a 97 SVT Mustang Cobra and they are getting cheaper, same with the Lightning, due to the economy. A lot of people are selling and those who can afford now are buying, making them more common than they used to be compared to when I first bought mine. Obviously, now with the 2010 Mustangs that come with a beefier motor, the older pre-03 SVT's are definitely coming down!
cool so practicing CPA in AZ earns good, so must have earn more than 100K a year before taxes to afford these cool stuff (no offense mam, suya rako sa imo rides)