hi peeps.
want to ask kung kahibaw ba mo asa ta kapalit ug airsoft or airgun? unsay nindut nga model ? pila man ang price? thanks for the coming replies.
hi peeps.
want to ask kung kahibaw ba mo asa ta kapalit ug airsoft or airgun? unsay nindut nga model ? pila man ang price? thanks for the coming replies.
try to look sa mga airsoft forums.
oneairsoftcebu.org daghan sellers didto.
thanks joseph.
sorry wa ko kahibaw na naay airsoft na forum. care to tell me asa dapit diri?
bro, as what joseph said check www.oneairsoftcebu.org/forums
Here's a copy of a circular regarding airsoft as signed by the PNP Chief. Please read:
Rules and Regulations Governing the Manufacture, Importation, Exportation (sic), Sale, Possession, Carrying of Airsoft Rifles/ Pistols and Operation of Airsoft Gun Clubs and Playgrounds
a. Amended Rules and Regulations Governing the Manufacture, Sale, Possession and Carrying of Air Rfile/ Pistol dated July 21, 2006
b. Implementing Rules and Regulations governing the Manufacture, Sale, Possession and Carrying of Air Rifles/ Pistols dated january 29, 1992
c. Executive Order 256 Entitled "Schedule of fees" dated December 21, 1995
d. Standard Operating Procedure Number 13 Entitled "Licensing of Firearms" dated March 16, 1999
e. Memorandum Circular Number 99-09 entitled "Manufacture and Repair of Firearms" dated March 16, 1999
f. Memroandum Circular Number 07 Entitled "Recognition/ Operation of Gun Clubs" dated June 15, 2005
This Circular prescribes the rules and regulations governing the manufacture, deal in (sic), importation, exportation (sic), sale, possession and carriage (sic) of airsoft rifles/ pistols and operation of airsoft gun clubs and playgrounds.
This circular shall apply to all natural and juridical persons who intend to manufacture and deal in the importation, exportation (sic) and sale of AIRSOFT rifle/ psitol which has been classified as a special type of airgun; and those who desire to possess or carry the same. This circular also sets the provision for the operation of airsoft gun club and playground.
Airsoft Rile/pistol herein used includes battery operated, spring and gas type powered rifles/pistol which discharge plastic or rubber pellets only as bullets or ammunition
Airsoft rifle/ pistol as a toy shall refer to those manufactured purposely as replica of a real armament with all its specifications and corresponding intellectual propoerty sign or logo.
Airsoft rifle/ pistol as herein classified as special type of air gun, shall be used in sporting activities as war game simulation only. All airsoft rifles/ pistols shall not exceeed 550 feet per second velocity of their plastic or rubber pellets. Otherwise it shall not be eligible for registration. Furthermore, the weight of the BB ammunition shall not exceeed 0.2 grams.
All natural and juridical persons intending to manufacture or sell airsoft rifle/ psitol shall apply for license to manufacture or license to deal airsoft rifle/ pistol under the existing rules and regulations of the Philippine National Police thru Firearms and Explosives Division of the Civil Security Group as provided for under the provision of Revised Memorandum Circular Number 99-009.
Corresponding permit for Authority to Display Airsoft Rifle/Pistol shall also be secured at FED-CSG.
All airsoft rifle/ psitol shall be stamped with a serial number prior to their one time registration by the Philippine National Police. To distinguish it from a real gun, the airsoft rifle shall be painted with ORANGE color, at least two (2) inches from the tip of the barrel or at its flash suppressor for an airsoft rifle or at least one inch from the tip of the barrel for an airsoft pistol.
Importers of airsoft rifle/ psitol are advised to coordinate with their foreign suppliers that every airsoft rifle/ psitol exported to the Republic of the Philippines shall be assigned with a serial number as a requirement for registration.
Any person who desires to possess airsoft rifle/ psitol shall file his application in accordance with PNP SOP Number 13 entitled "Licensing of Firearms." The one time registration rule for air rifle/ psitol shall be applied to airsoft rifle/pistol. In case of transfer of ownership to a qualified citizen, the required procedure in the transfer of regular air gun shall also be applied. A licensed airsoft rifle/ pistol holder shall not transfer physical possession of his registered airsoft rifle/ psitol until the application for license to possess airsoft rifle/ psitol is approved by FED-CSG.
Lawful holders of airsoft rifle/ psitol are only allowed to carry or use the item in an officially designatted playground as classified by the local government unit in the ares or locality and duly issued with a License to Operate Shooting Range or Playground by the FED-CSG. While in transit, all airsoft rifle/pistols shall be placed in secured airsoft rifle/pistol cases. Corresponding Permit to Transport airsoft rifle/pistol form the place of residence to the designated playground or airsoft rifle/psitol firing range shall be applied at FED CSG for all applicants within Metro Manila Area Applicants in the provinces shall secure their corrsponding Permit to Transport at their respective Provincial Police Office, City Police Office or at FESAGS Office as the case may be. In no case shall the airsoft rifle/ pistol shall (sic) be carried outside the designated playground or shooting range only (sic) with out its secured bag or case. It is a must that the airsoft rifle/psitol shall be used for sporting activities in designated and authorized places only.
Any person or dealer intending to import/export airsoft rifle/pistol shall secure the corresponding import/export permit from the Philippine National Police thru FED-CSG prior to actual importaton/exportation. (sic)
Pertinent provisions of PNP Circular No. 7 shall apply to the Gun Clubs Membership for airsoft rifle/pistol holders.
Operator of a designated and licensed playground or firing range for airsoft rifle/ pistol shall secure a corresponding permit to conduct war games or war simulations, exhibitions and airsoft rifle/pistol shooting competitions. Operators of playgrounds and firing range in Metro Manila shall secure their permit at FED-CSG while operators applying for permit in the provinces shall file their applications with their respective Provincial Police Offices, City Police Offices in cases of highly urbanized cities or ther FESAGS of the Police Regional Offices.
As he need arises or as the activity requires a new playground, the organize of the war game or war simulation shall secure a new permit at FED-CSG, the Povincial Police Offices/ City Police Offices or Regional Police Offices as the case may be.
The Mayor's Permit will be a mandatory requirement in the registration of the firing range or playground for airsoft rifle/pistol exercises.
Existing manufacturers/ dealers and present holders of airsoft rifle/pistol shall have a grace period of six (6) months from date hereof to apply for manufacturer or dealers license and to present their air rifle/psitol to the Fireamrs management Branch, Firearms and Explosives Division-Civil Security Group for testing and corresponding registration with a fee as that of an air rifle/pistol.
All licensed dealers of airsoft rifle/pistol shall be required to secure the necessary permits when intending to go on airsoft rifle/pistol show or exhibition just like the conduct of Defense and Sporting Arms Show.
All rules and regulations inconsistent herewith are hereby rescinded or modified accordingly.
These Rules and regulations shall take effect immediately.
Police Director General
Chief, PNP.
Approved 27 September 2006.
got it. thanks.
Approved on my Birthday date... wow,
mga bai. greetings. i am into airsoft pud. naa ko m83 and steyr aug. but i most likely use my steyr aug because of it's longer range. but now, the thing is, dili na au maau feeding sa mga bb's k magstock up na siya. duda nako murag ang kanang rubber na holder sa bb's sa barrel k hilis na. wer ta ka buy ani? ug i need accessories sad, kanang best priced lang ha![]()
naa ko kaila ga... but secret lang ni... hehe
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