View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1611

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post

    Population control will NOT address any of these issues. Following the Church's teachings, however, WILL.

    Oh well... the media says lots of dumb things. But the scientific studies show a different story. The recent rise in HIV cases is due to people NOT following the Church's teachings (like practicing promiscuity and homosxual acts) and using methods that promote irresponsible beahvior (such as condoms). You should use your intelligence and stick to the facts.
    disgusting.... k fine.. anybody who is not with you is against you...

    for you.. when the media says something against the church.. it is dumb..

    when the media says somthing good bout the church.. it becomes the defender of morality...

    tsk tsk tsk...

    the church is never wrong?.. hahahaha.... only you people gave it the title "holy"....

    and.. how come philippines is the only country in southeast asia with a majority of catholics.... and what a coincidence that it is the poorest in the region...

    the church had done nothing good for the country... except promote corrupt officials... (wasnt the church instrumental in giving power to Cory .. though popular, but incompetent.. and gloria.. the most corrupt as to date?)... in the end.. the church had just shown its ugly face of being a worldly organization.... the people had lost discipline since the end of martial law... maybe marcos was right all along....

    the church has no real interest whether babies die... it doesnt even really care if you die... but it really cares on who you should vote....

    the RH-bill is just a political power-play of the church...

    if you were a muslim and is born in afghanistan.. your thought is somewhat similar to that of the taliban.. very one sided.....

  2. #1612
    we should all go back to the Scriptures. Jesus' teaching clearly states no to murder. Therefore abortion is a great sin in the eyes of God. If we don't want to experience eternal separation from God, then I say we follow His commandments, and therefore say NO TO ABORTION!

  3. #1613
    108 pages of the same arguments.

    hahahay. kakapoy!

  4. #1614
    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX View Post
    disgusting.... k fine.. anybody who is not with you is against you...
    Hahaha! I thought you said morals were not real, just a man-made convenience> But now you're making moral judgments. You can't evedn stay consistent with your own silly philosophy. That proves your thinking can't even be used for your daily life. Tsk tsk ysk!!!

    and.. how come philippines is the only country in southeast asia with a majority of catholics.... and what a coincidence that it is the poorest in the region...
    It's not. You don't even do any studying on this issue. No wonder you can't even make good arguments for your pro-abortion bill.

    Haaayyy.... the RH peeps can't even get theri story straight!

    My stand is still the same. The RH bill violates the rights of Filipinos. It is anti-democracy, anti-freedom of conscience, anti-freedom of religion.


  5. #1615
    More Pinoys not supporting RH bill: survey

    NINETY-two percent of Filipinos does not support the controversial Reproductive Health (RH) Bill, according to a Filipino Family Survey conducted by the HB&A International Research and the Asia Research Organization conducted from December 2 to 9, 2009.

    “This survey presented the truth that overwhelmingly the Filipino families don’t want the provisions to this proposed law. They are against this RH bill as constructed in this proposed law of Congressman Edcel Lagman,” said Pro-Life Philippines President Lito Atienza.

    He noted that the survey contradicted the claim made by RH bill proponents that Filipinos overwhelmingly support the bill.

    “That’s why the public need to know this because our congressmen might be swayed to the blackmailing strategy of Congressman Lagman,” he added.

    Likewise, the survey revealed that 90 percent of them are not in favor with the salient points of the RH bill, which include teaching children aged ten to eleven to learn *** techniques with vivid pictures from male and female teachers who will explain only the biological and technical aspects of ***.

    Ninety four percent rejected the idea of Congress passing a bill that will make available to young children and young teens artificial birth control methods even without parental consent, giving them access to condoms, IUDs, birth control pills and other abortifacients, and the worse part is, doctors and health workers could be jailed if they refuse them.

    On the other hand, 96 percent of those surveyed reject the passing of a legislation that would encourage a contraceptive mentality that will lead to an abortive mentality.

    The respondents are also against the proposal that would allow one’s spouse to undergo vasectomy/tubal ligation without prior consent as required by law and 91 percent believe that the government should not allocate extra funds to buy birth control pills and condoms to the detriment of other essential medicines.

    The survey was commissioned by the Alliance of Family Life Organizations with some 500 respondents in 16 cities and one municipality in Metro Manila. (FP/Sunnex)


    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)

  6. #1616
    UN Aging Report Warns of Dire Effects of Fertility Decline
    By Susan Yoshihara, Ph.D.

    (NEW YORK – C-FAM) A recently-released United Nations (UN) report finds that the global trend of fertility decline and population aging will have devastating economic and societal effects on the developing world, particularly on women who are now targeted by UN agencies to further reduce fertility.

    World Population Ageing 2009” was published in December 2009 by the UN Population Division, a statistics research branch within the UN’s Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA).

    Because fertility is decreasing in the developing world, there will be fewer and fewer workers to support aging citizens, the report found. The ratio of workers to older non-workers dropped from 12 to 9 between 1950 and 2009. By 2050, there will be only 4 workers supporting every retiree: “The reduction of potential support ratios has important implications for social security schemes, particularly for pay-as-you-go pension systems under which taxes on current workers pay the pensions of retirees."

    The effects of fertility decline and population aging will hit the developing world hardest, according to the report, because, "The pace of population ageing is faster in developing countries than in developed countries. Consequently, developing countries will have less time to adjust to the consequences of population ageing.” Furthermore, “ageing in developing countries is taking place at lower levels of socio-economic development than has been the case for developed countries.”

    Evidence in the report shows that UN programs aimed at reducing fertility in the developed world will do the most harm to women who will have fewer children to support them in their old age. Since women live longer than men, they make up the majority of older persons.

    This is compounded by the fact that “Older persons living alone are at greater risk of experiencing social isolation and economic deprivation and may therefore require special support." Social support, however, is often unavailable in the developing world where women are least likely to have social security from the state. What recourse they have to social safety nets has been diminished by the global economic downturn, which “brought about sharp reductions in the value of pension funds in many countries in the world.”

    Fertility reduction in the developing world is still pushed by UN agencies such as the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and the World Health Organization, as well as non-governmental organizations such as International Planned Parenthood Federation and Women Deliver, a new organization that is garnering significant funding from developed countries to promote fertility control.

    The report offered little evidence of a possible reversal of the global aging trend, stating that “Population ageing is unprecedented, a process without parallel in the history of humanity. Population ageing is pervasive since it is affecting nearly all the countries of the world. …and “Population ageing is enduring. ...As long as old-age mortality continues to decline and fertility remains low, the proportion of older persons will continue to increase."

    The UN Population Division – an entity distinct from UNFPA – has traditionally been regarded as more objective and less agenda-driven than other UN agencies. In its most recent State of the World Population Report, UNFPA called for increased efforts to reduce fertility to combat climate change.

    More info on abstinence and purity at
    True Love Waits Philippines

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)

  7. #1617
    I say no to abortion...

  8. #1618
    no to abortion.

  9. #1619
    I doubt if the reproductive health bill will see light and become a law due to the outside force by the church, but if indeed it will become a law, it dont see any provisions in it that legalizes abortion!

  10. #1620
    legalize abortion!
    hell with them! this is my body! this is my womb!

    said she..too late for you mother, you should have aborted me.

    legalize drug addiction!
    hell with them! this is my body! this is my life!

    said they..too late for ill ENJOY plundering u're wealth.

    legalize rape!
    hell with them! this is my urge! this is my body!

    said ill have a taste of ur bodies...

    and the cycle continues....

    legalize abortion!
    hell with them! this is my body! this is my womb!

    and again.and again.

    legalize all.( be fair to all who wanted legalization.not just abortion )

    legalize anarchy.legalize chaos.


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