heheh ako intawn back to zero.. mag zero sa akong airgun ahaha
mga kuya, okay ra ba airgun ang gift sa bf?
hilig mi duha ug toy guns pero sa video games ra.
I would say it is a most perfect gift for the lucky bf.
please include mounts and optics para sulit. for guidance in making your selection, you can ask here, and we will be glad to help.
pero ayaw lang sa karon kay due to the upcoming elections, naay gun ban in place.
btw, welcome to our lonely thread out here.
May I invite your bf here.. just in case he would like to learn about airguns. ..the right way.
Airguns if taught and learned properly, is a wholesome family bonding activity.
actually, depende kung unsay imong ganahan nga aspect sa airgunning.
most people like to use airguns for hunting. I don't... as I am a bird lover. I use my airguns in shooting competitions. I also taught my daughters how to shoot. And they joined me in those competitions.
We have groups quite active over at FB. Active pud mi diri before, pero missing na man ang ubang members...basin ni shift na ug manicure or pedicure as hobby.
For now, I will recommend the PCP type. ..mainly because it is easier to shoot and become good at. The learning curve with a pcp is not that steep. There are other types as well. There are spring piston pneumatic or ssp airguns too. Pero aside nga expensive, they are not easy for a beginner.
PCP is precharged pneumatic. It uses compressed air, similar to that used in scuba tanks for divers.
Please do not be afraid to ask. That is the essence of this hobby. Ask and you shall learn.
Last edited by tophat; 04-19-2018 at 10:38 PM.
wheew!! bf should come over to learn about this new found hobby. i feel interested, family bonding is what i am looking for.
so where do we start? having a good airgun? i saw some displays at the mall.
Like all relationships, start with falling in love with the hobby. A word of friendly warning though, this hobby is addictive. We call that airgunitis. With the easy availability of social media, the hobby is actively talked about in worldwide forums...not just here in istoryadotnet.
And yes, this is a wholesome family bonding activity, like in mine, everyone shoots, including the daughters and their mother.
Before you open up your wallet, try to familiarize yourself with youtube videos, and some info with the help of google. I recommend you watch and view the channel of our friend Ted. He explains well, and his videos are clearly on topic. It should be a good start. Here is the link to his channel https://www.youtube.com/user/EdgunUSA/videos
When you have questions....any questions, please feel free to ask here... or pm me directly.
I learned by asking when I was a newbie. I pay it forward to those willing to learn.
Btw, asa ka nga malls nakakita sa displays?
Last edited by tophat; 04-19-2018 at 11:26 PM.
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