I am proud to be Filipino because:
- i am respectful to my elders
- i am hospitable and helpful to my neighbors
- i am resilient ...inspite sa kalisod kamas lang gihapon
- i am multi lingual ...and open minded
- i value family and friends
- i celebrate fiesta with gusto
- i love life and stay positive...kon wa budget aw pungko2...kon wa wawart aw sing-al nga singko2
- i don't need to pay shrinks to listen to my problems
But I am also sad that I am Filipino because:
- i can not be happy for others...i have crab mentality
- i am ultra conservative and use religion as escape goat
- i can not abide by simple rules and regulations
- i complain about corruption but at the same time encourage it by making "lagay under the table"
- i serve as poor example to the youth with my actions (e.g. throwing trash everywhere , swearing, etc)
- i blame others for my poor condition
But what can I say...I am Filipino and if I can not be proud of my heritage...unsaon na man lang?