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  1. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by RMK711 View Post
    Hehe well define need. Some people say they can't live without a maid, so they need one. Personally I have lived overseas and did all for myself so I can't say I really need one. If janitors are badly needed, they will get paid a lot. That's why I say we need better education, so there will be more work opportunities available and fewer people will be competing for janitorial jobs.

    I can say that there is a need for janitors, but you also can't deny that there are way too many people competing for these jobs, so you have 2 janitors for every floor paid next to nothing. In other countries they might have one janitor for an entire building so he gets paid more. Don't you find it funny when you go to the mall here and you have one janitor assigned to every bathroom and he is there all the time cleaning continuously? You never see that in other countries. I also find elevator girls amusing, pushing buttons all day. You don't see that in other countries either, except maybe Japan but that was a long time ago when women were considered unemployable there except as elevator girls . It's just supply/demand sir...
    Okay....he-he, thanks for your time....nice conversation..

  2. #152
    Quote Originally Posted by Tirong-say View Post
    Okay....he-he, thanks for your time....nice conversation..
    Likewise sir. We may disagree in principle but I know we both have the interest of this country and the people in mind. God bless the Philippines.

  3. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by RMK711 View Post
    Likewise sir. We may disagree in principle but I know we both have the interest of this country and the people in mind. God bless the Philippines.
    Yup same here GOD bless the Philippines, dia diay ko ga-work sa Singapore Bro, Chemical Engineer ko dire...,

  4. #154
    asa man ani ang wage?? minimum

  5. #155
    Elite Member james_chaw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tirong-say View Post
    In the first place why start a business having a product line that is not really that attractive?, there are studies before starting a business?, I would not start one if my reason is that I could still get a profit just because of low labor cost.
    you've obviously not had any experience running a business. studies and research done before the actual start of business can only go so much. Unless you run with it and risk it all, you'll never know. Take television for example. The show "Cheers" was the lowest rated show during the pilot episodes. but look at them, 11 seasons and dozens of nominations and awards. It was the most successful sitcom in the history of television. or the very least, of the best.

    another example would have to be Andok's Chicken. When he first started out, he was losing money. He had to feed his children the unsold chicken. and now look at him. he's practically made a fast food chain out of his business idea. So do us all a favor and think before you say something.

  6. #156
    Elite Member james_chaw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tirong-say View Post
    Mao lagi ilang capacity to pay maorag wa gyud, o naa ba kaha kay 285 ra man ilang mahatag.
    would you say waiting 10 years to get a return on your investment fair? would you wait 10 years for your 1 million to make 1.1 million?

  7. #157
    Elite Member james_chaw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RMK711 View Post
    If you look historically the major purposes of incorporating a company is for the interest purely of the shareholders (eg the owners). These organizations were never meant to serve the interests of the employees, but even if they didn't they still provide a huge benefit to society by providing livelihood and taxation to the government. It is supposed to be the taxes given to the government that will help the ensure the people have a decent life, not the salary from the business solely. In short, I agree that management usually only thinks about themselves, but on the other hand I say so what? That's what companies are for, to make money for the owners not to provide cushy jobs to people that pay whatever they demand. The problem here is that government does not function well, so the taxes businesses generate are squandered and are not being utilized for the benefit of the people.
    bottom line, yes businesses should make a profit. however, what i'm stressing to these philistines is that that is not the only objective of the company. business has evolved over the years while still incorporating the basics. new points of view have enlightened the way people run a business over the last half century. especially during the last half century.

  8. #158
    Elite Member james_chaw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tirong-say View Post
    Yup same here GOD bless the Philippines, dia diay ko ga-work sa Singapore Bro, Chemical Engineer ko dire...,
    hesus maryosep. BIg time man diay ka. I thought you are still experiencing the plight of our fellow Filipino employees. Good luck in SG bro. have a good life over there. in demand gyud sila ug manpower dinha kay gamay au ang birth rate.

  9. #159
    maytag naa sad nyay minimum baon hehe

  10. #160
    Quote Originally Posted by james_chaw View Post
    OT: @ guyofyourdreams: are you currently being abused by your employer by being paid such a low wage? I would think that a minimum wager would not have the luxury of going to an internet cafe everyday. Yes when you're a minimum wager, if it cannot be fitted into your budget,then it is considered a luxury.
    you mean me?.. im in office.

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