first of all, infractions are merely warnings.
Thus, it is illogical to ask why you were not given a warning before an infraction.
how can you expect a warning to be given before an infraction if the infraction itself is the warning?
This infraction thing is very, very simple.
Violate the rules, get an infraction point.
No matter how many pages your argument may reach, the bottom line is that you violate the rules.
Most, if not all arguments pertaining to infractions exist because the other party did not fully understand the rules or may have not even read them.
The best thing to do is to review the post in question and then review the rules.
If you find that you are not violating any rules then send a message to the moderator and politely explain your side.
being rewarded with your first infraction point is not a reason to panic.
It's not until you get six points that you will be muted.
Muted users cannot post.
Each point usually lasts up to one month unless otherwise specified by the moderator.
If for some reason you managed to accumulate 8 points, you are banned for 3 days.
Get one more point and you're not allowed to login for a week.
Ten infraction points will result in a 2-week ban.
Add one more and you're banned for a month.
A dozen points equals to a three-month ban.
Still one more and the penalty increases to a six month period.
Fifteen points and you need to get a new account.
By the way, don't try to create a new account just to rant about your previous penalty.
Consider an infraction as a polite way of giving you a warning for violating a certain rule.
It's a gentle pat in the back, a reminder that you have done something inappropriate.
Your points are not visible to the public. Only you and the moderating team can see it.
If it was created to belittle or humiliate you, it would have been made visible to everybody.
A publicly posted warning is worse than an infraction.
As a closing remark, an infraction is not really a big deal especially if you acknowledge your mistake and learn from it.
It's when you start whining in public that matters start to get worse.
if you haven't read
infractions 101, you better start reading now.