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stocks is someway a gamble gehapon kay you really don't know or can't tell if mukita ba ang imung ge invest nga stock.. i don't really now much about stock market kay i don't really invest in it kay we lost 8.5million in investing stock market that's why i can't say na mura ra cya ug gambling.. we really learn our lesson dira that's why, we don't invest so much in stocks but in realty and businesses nalang.. besides, now a days, i don't think nindot kaau i invest ug stock market karon because dili pa kaau stable ang economy.. that's my opinion lang...
Now is the best time to buy stocks. It's true you can't predict the fluctuations but if you apply the Cost Averaging technique and do it long term, I'm sure you can gain. Ayawg bultoha ug invest bro, gamay2x lang pero kanunay ka cge butang. Kay dili jud na mataganan pero kung gamiton lang nimu ang Cost Averaging, payter kaayo na na technique. Tell me if I'm wrong.
This is my principle "Everytime there is a disaster or crises, there is an oppurtunity."
"Everytime the ecomoy shakes, buy more stocks"
This sounds funny, abnormal and ridiculus but a lot of successful people came from being ridiculed and criticized.
I follow Warren Buffets' principle in investing. Investment is good for long term.
Watch this video.
YouTube - Warren Buffett is Buying Stocks Now