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  1. #1531

    Quote Originally Posted by MIkko View Post
    question lang mga bai..
    what's your opinion with regrd to china made DAC's like Topping tp30 coupled with ath40x
    Never tried the TOPPING TP30 w/ a headphone output but as for TOPPING products they are really "Bang For The Buck" although you can't compare them w/ the big boys out there but if simple contentment is what your searching then this will surely be fine & for nearly 3/4 of the price difference w/ well branded head-amps this is worth the try.

    I just have the old TP22 w/c is just a small T-Amp w/out the headphone output & its really good for Cross/overless speakers (Full range types like AUDIO NIRVANA CLASSICS) & they sound amazing "Rich & Full" sometimes unbelievable. I think this will be similar to the older tripath models but surely TOPPING TP30 will be better coz w/ a built-in DAC, headphone output & 10 watts of amplification you could have plenty of options to experiment. HTH

    here's a sample shot of my TP22

  2. #1532
    Mga masters ug incoming masters do you plug in your headphones direct say to an AV receiver HP plug rather than on a dedicated headphone amplifier? I.e transport>av receiver>headphone.
    If so, where will I connect the player to the receiver? How will it sound compared to a dedicated headphone amp?

  3. #1533
    Quote Originally Posted by vo2max View Post
    Mga masters ug incoming masters do you plug in your headphones direct say to an AV receiver HP plug rather than on a dedicated headphone amplifier? I.e transport>av receiver>headphone.
    If so, where will I connect the player to the receiver? How will it sound compared to a dedicated headphone amp?
    Dili ko master or incoming hap, pro this I know... AV receiver usually naay opamp para mu drive sa hp out... pede nimo connect imu line out sa transport to line in or aux in sa av receiver then select it as source... as to the sq, give it a hear...

  4. #1534
    Quote Originally Posted by vo2max View Post
    Mga masters ug incoming masters do you plug in your headphones direct say to an AV receiver HP plug rather than on a dedicated headphone amplifier? I.e transport>av receiver>headphone.
    If so, where will I connect the player to the receiver? How will it sound compared to a dedicated headphone amp?
    Not a MASTER or an INcOMING one & never will be one forever
    I think AV Amps, INTEGARTED Amps or SOURCE Components like CD Players that has headphone jacks are fine w/ CANS that are not so high in impedance like from 0 to 120 ohms are okay. The higher impedance ones will also sound okay but I think you just cant get the best out of it or the oomph that we are searching for. But if you really want to eked out every drop of performance to the last one and have the money to burn then a headamp is the key, as some good headamps will undeniably make the vocals & instrumentation come to life w/ higher impedance CANS But if your contented w/ the quality of the source thats feeding you CAN whether its an Integarted Amp or a CD Player then alls well

    Here's an idea your CDplayer's source-out > head Amp > Headphone = ECSTACY!

    Really dont take me seriously Master vo2max , I'm just sharing what I learn in the past. We all have our choices & our very own ears to trust

  5. #1535
    Tks @C'thulhu & @at_sunset_blvd.
    Let's call you the 'Chief' at_sunset
    With nothing to do as I'm stranded here, it just crossed my mind about how the headphone sounds on an av receiver compared to that of the headamp. I haven't connected my headphone on our av setup.
    Might as well try when I'm back at home.
    I downloaded the manual of the onkyo tx-sr706 and noticed a coax and optical inputs on the av. So these got me thinking if it can drive a headphone similar to a headamp, particularly the 600 ohms hp's and give a decent performance comparable to dedicated head amps.

  6. #1536
    Being stranded is nice, in a way. Now I got the time.
    Got a chance to audition the following cans, after making adjustments on my rig.
    - LCD-2
    - HE-560 ( freshly opened/unburnt)
    - HD800 ( again)
    - LCD-X (again)

    The lcd-2 audition lasted only a few minutes.
    I came to like the hd800 and the he-560.
    As I listen to both extremes in music i..e classical to metal, the he-560 seems to be an all rounder.
    The hd800 was nice in a way with wide soundstage, bright lang gamay. It didn't sound good on 'master of puppets' kay ang double peds was not sounding realistic but it was eargasmic on the orpheus chamber orchestra.
    Both are very comfortable on the head.
    The audition lasted abt 1.5 hours and I went out with nothing in my hands.
    Why? Because I was not given a work bonus. Well maybe next year

  7. #1537
    ^^ as what boss @korg17 used to say... Swipe now, go hungry later...

  8. #1538

    Default Audiophile Thread!

    Quote Originally Posted by C'thulhu View Post
    ^^ as what boss @korg17 used to say... Swipe now, go hungry later...
    hahaha ahaka si @foshow ang orig ana!

    Here's my take on flagship cans, as i have already auditioned many of them from Egghead. honestly, when it comes to "thousand dollar" and up price range, its a level playing field. you can no longer say this and that is the best at "this price range" but another one at a higher price is still better. at this level theres not one who is king. one can beat another at a certain criteria but not in all, point is it all boils down to the preference of the buyer. depende ra dyud na sa imo ears. whatever you choose to get thats the best one for you. and of course, amp pairing/synergy is very important

    soon i might get a flagship, im just waiting for some really insane discount cz i cant afford it hehe. happy listening!

    Cebu Audiophile Club:
    Last edited by korg17; 12-23-2014 at 01:19 AM.

  9. #1539
    Quote Originally Posted by C'thulhu View Post
    ^^ as what boss @korg17 used to say... Swipe now, go hungry later...
    Let the 1st one who said that cast the 1st swipe.
    The rest of you guys can follow

    Honestly I just auditioned those cans to keep my curiosity alive. Nothing else.

  10. #1540
    Quote Originally Posted by vo2max View Post
    Let the 1st one who said that cast the 1st swipe.
    The rest of you guys can follow

    Honestly I just auditioned those cans to keep my curiosity alive. Nothing else.
    Wala ka ma tintal boss?

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